Reading the Bible in Historical Sequence Part 4Намуна

c.1075 BC God now tells Samuel to anoint David (c.10) as future king. Later David is employed to soothe Saul with music. David (c.16) kills Goliath and is praised by all.
Note 1 (1 Samuel 16:1–13): Ussher dates this first anointing as 1063 BC when David would have been 22 years old. I consider Scripture implies he was much younger than this. He was not considered old enough to see Samuel and, later, when he visited his brothers at the battle front, he was considered ‘proud’ and ‘naughty’ by his eldest brother (17:28) and just a ‘youth’ by Saul (v.33), although twenty was the age for warriors (Numbers 1:3). Unfortunately Ussher makes no reference to Samuel ordering Saul to annihilate the Amalekites, which led to this initial anointing of David. 1 Samuel 16:18 For mighty man read strong young man.
Note 2 (1 Samuel 16:16; 16:21–22; 17:55): Initially, David was a young minstrel employed by the court for Saul’s periods of depression. Saul ‘loved’ his service but would have had little interest in him as a person. Teenagers change fast and Saul later did not recognize him.
Note 3 (1 Samuel 18:7): Josephus says the first line about Saul’s exploits was sung by the older women with the second line, about David, being an echo sung by teenage girls. This riled Saul.
About this Plan

In the beginning was the Word … but what came next? This plan is for anyone who wants a better understanding of the Bible. It provides a chronological reading program that endeavors to place all biblical passages in their date order. Part Four of this twelve-part one-year reading plan is titled 'Establishing the Kingdom, 1155 BC–1020 BC'.
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