Laying Hold of Your Abundant Life: A Daily DevotionalНамуна

Laying Hold of Your Abundant Life: A Daily Devotional

DAY 3 OF 3


Jesus never did anything by half measures, did He? No! When He said something, He meant it. So, when He promised us an abundant life, the words in the original Greek literally mean “a super-abundant life!” Who wouldn’t want that? 

When you think of a superabundant life, what do you picture? Happiness might be the first thing, but I’m sure it won’t be the only thing. 

You see, some of the most satisfying moments in life come when you’re facing the greatest trials. Even in hard times, you can have contentment. You can have peace and security even during life’s storms. You can be fulfilled in who God made you to be. 

Do you see my point? Happiness isn’t everything. Many other things go into making a full, rich and abundant life. Everything in your life doesn’t have to be going perfectly well in order for you to be right where God wants you to be. And that’s a good thing – because life’s never 100 percent perfect, is it? 

Even the Apostle Paul – the man who wrote half of the New Testament – knew this feeling. 

“To keep me from being too elated, a thorn was given me in the flesh… Three times I appealed to the Lord about this that it would leave me but He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you for power is made perfect in weakness.’ So I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses so that the power of Christ may dwell in me” (2 Corinthians 12:7–9).

That’s why, in the passage we’ve been looking at, John chapter 10, Jesus sets His parable about the Shepherd and the sheep in a real life-and-death situation. 

Without the shepherd, a sheep-faced all kinds of threats: wolves, thieves, ravines. It’s a parable that reaches deep into the realities of your life and mine. It’s a story about a life lived out in a challenging world in which Jesus Himself, through His death and resurrection, becomes our true Shepherd.

You can choose to follow the true Shepherd. You can choose the life He offers. And it doesn’t matter what your circumstances are – good, bad, up, down, positive or negative, it doesn’t matter! Because, even though you may walk through the darkest valley, you need fear no evil because He is with you. 

Now that’s a superabundant life!


  1. What are your impressions of what a super abundant life in Jesus could look like? How is your expectation different to your daily reality? 
  2. What are some of the circumstances in your life that are holding you back from the full experience of Jesus’ abundant life?   
  3. What are some of the ways you can open yourself up to a more abundant life in Jesus? Write down some points you can meditate on and practice every day.  
  4.  Finish with a prayer: Lord Jesus, be my Good Shepherd. Lead me forward, with your wisdom, in good directions. Provide for me abundantly; and above all Lord, keep me safe from the Evil One. Amen. 


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Laying Hold of Your Abundant Life: A Daily Devotional

Jesus never did anything in half measures. So, when He said He came to give you abundant life (John 10:10), He meant it. But what does that life look like? And how do you embrace the full life Christ wants for you? Dive deep into one of Jesus’ most powerful parables in this new devotional series – and discover how you can live an abundant life in Him.
