Break FreeНамуна

Unforgiveness is the legal right of the Devil to your heart. Gospels documents a parable by Jesus on how unforgiveness puts us into the hands of torturers.. Torturers are demons who torment people who refuse to forgive. These demons do not leave when you rebuke them, they only exit when you forgive.
Forgiveness does not change the past, rather it enlarges the future. When you forgive, you set the prisoner free and then you discover that the prisoner was you. If you wait for those who hurt you to ask for forgiveness, that day may never come. Forgive them for your sake, not theirs. Forgiveness is a decision of the will. It is when you release that person from owing you anything. You surrender your right to hurt them for hurting you when you speak a blessing over them. Feelings of revenge and hurt will surface again and again, but you have to go back to the initial decision that you made to forgive them. Do not let those feelings convince you that you did not forgive, instead, replace those feelings by speaking a blessing over that person and yourself.
Wounds speak of hurt, scars speak of healing. A wound says, “Look at what they did.” A scar says, “Look how God healed me.” Wounds hurt, scars do not. Wounds lead to infection, scars lead to testimony. Our Savior was wounded for our transgressions (see Isaiah 53:5). When He was hanging on the cross, He did not threaten the Pharisees or curse them while being in agony. He forgave them. They did not deserve it; they did not even ask for it. Frankly, they did not think that what they were doing was wrong. Jesus did not forgive them so that their sin would be forgiven, but so His own heart would not turn to bitterness.
If you let God turn your wounds into scars, He will turn your scars into a testimonies. He will redeem what the Devil meant for evil. If you do not have scars, it is not because you have not been hurt. Instead, it is most likely due to your not being healed.
Even Jesus had scars.
About this Plan

Do you find that you are living in a spiritual cage, unable to get out, repeating the same sin? If you are tired of taking two steps forward and three steps backward in your spiritual life, then Holy Spirit will use “Break Free” as a key to get you out of that cage of limitation and stagnation, and into a life of freedom!