Traffic Signs and Your Marriage - Part 1Намуна

The STOP sign is pretty cut and dry. Failing to stop could result in a ticket or even being smashed by another car. The STOP sign is non-negotiable. Stopping when told to do so is essential. There is no argument. There are no second chances.
There are STOP signs in marriage too. They mean the same thing in marriage as they do on the streets. Two big ones are pornography, and infidelity. The bottom line is that you stop: You do not go there. No trial runs. No baby steps. No “just this once.” STOP. As we read in 1 Corinthians 6:18, we are to run away – to flee – from sexual immorality.
Make it an absolute. Do not cross the line. Do not give in. Pornography and infidelity destroy families and marriages. Hebrews 13:4 is clear about honoring marriage and holding it in high regard. You are not the exception. Actually, there are no exceptions. These are relationship killers. Jesus challenged not just our actions, but the heart behind them, in Matthew 5:28. This reveals his desire for your marriage to be pure in word, thought and deed. The sign says “STOP,” and that is exactly what you must do. If you run this sign, the consequences are far more devastating than you could ever imagine. STOP means STOP for a reason. So STOP. Today. Now.
Today’s Challenge:
1. Culture tells us that pornography is not a “stop sign.” Do you agree or disagree?
2. When Jesus talks about adultery, He takes the sin up a notch and includes lust. Why do you think Jesus put adultery and lust as equals?
3. What are “baby steps” that can lead us to adultery and pornography?
Going Deeper:
Come up with a plan together to protect your marriage from adultery and pornography.
About this Plan

In this two-part reading plan, Dr. Kim takes everyday ‘traffic signs’ that we all encounter and applies them to growing your marriage relationship.
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Traffic Signs And Your Marriage - Part 2

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