
Stand Out
We are called to be a “chosen generation”! The KJV says that we are a “peculiar people”!
It’s tough to stand out. Everybody looks at you and it can be embarrassing. But as a follower of Christ your actions and your words will cause you to do just that. Christ’s ways are unique and point people to Him! It’s okay that you stand out as long as you are pointing people to Jesus! So today be peculiar, stand out - but in a good way! Point people to Christ in your words and actions!
Blending in is not a bad thing. But it becomes a negative factor in your life when it compromises who you are in Christ. Examine your life. Find the areas of compromise. What keeps you from standing out in those areas. Pray and ask God for boldness to stand out from the crowd and point people to Christ. Ask God to make you “peculiar” so that people will ask, “what’s different about you?”.
About this Plan

This 31 day plan is designed to take you deeper in your relationship with Christ. With daily scripture readings and goals, we hope to provoke thoughts that will cause you to reflect on your current status and allow God to overflow in your life.