
Fear As A Second Language
Since our childhood, we’ve had a constant companion, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You probably think I’m referring to God. And while it’s true that God has always been there, many of us have felt a non-stop presence that wasn’t God. It’s fear. Fear is our constant reality. And for most of us, we’ve had a relationship with fear longer than we’ve had a relationship with Jesus.
Fear, insecurity, doubt, worry, anxiety; call it what you will, it cripples us. It robs us of courage and destroys our destiny. It’s the thing that prevents us from saying yes to what God has put in our hearts. It’s the thing that talks us out of the great dreams and schemes we have for our lives. But just because fear is the reality of our present doesn’t mean that it has to be the reality of our future because there’s freedom in Jesus’ name.
2 Timothy 1:7 assures that fear doesn’t come from God. So when are feeling afraid, we can be certain that those feelings and thoughts are a deliberate attack from our enemy: Satan. But why would Satan intentionally attack us with fear? The answer is simple. Fear is another word for lies and the Bible calls him the “father of lies”. You fear (or believe the lie) that you can’t accomplish something, so you never try. Fear is his native language and unfortunately, you and I have learned to speak it. But remember, what God offers us is so much better.
Stop listening to the lies of the enemy and start believing the truth of God.
About this Plan

This 31 day plan is designed to take you deeper in your relationship with Christ. With daily scripture readings and goals, we hope to provoke thoughts that will cause you to reflect on your current status and allow God to overflow in your life.