1 Corinthians With Mark Dever: When Church HurtsНамуна

1 Corinthians With Mark Dever: When Church Hurts

DAY 3 OF 5

Multiplying divisions

Read 1 Corinthians 1 v 10-31

Division causes conflict, suffering and sadness. Division in the church is even more tragic, since it goes against Christ’s desire that His people enjoy “complete unity” (John 17:23). So how can a church stay united?

Know Christ

  • What do the Christians seem to have been arguing about (verse 11-12)?
  • What point do you think Paul is making in verse 13?
  • Corinthian culture exalted particular orators, and argued over which was best—not so different from celebrity culture today. This promotion of one personality over another had permeated the church, and it was obscuring the uniqueness of Christ, the only Person who had been “crucified for you” (verse 13).

    Time Out

  • How does, or would, this mistake look in your church today?
  • Accept foolishness

  • What is the gospel message about (verses 17-18)?
  • What are the two responses to this message (verses 18)?
  • What the world rejects, the church exalts. The world did not, and does not, know that it needed God to become a man and bear our sins by dying the death of an outcast traitor. Yet this is the heart of Christianity! So if a church begins to peddle a message that pleases the world, of course the true gospel will be de-emphasized, compromised, even replaced.


  • Do you expect the world to think you wise, or foolish?
  • Are you prepared for people to be offended by what you believe about the cross?
  • Remember humility

    Time Out

  • What does your culture say are the most important qualities in someone?
  • What does you culture say it is acceptable to boast about?
  • In Corinth, status came from being known as wise, or powerful, or from a good family.

  • What status did the church members have (verse 26)?
  • Why did God choose to make them His people (verses 27-29)?
  • So what is the only thing a Christian can say is great, ie: boast about (verse 31)?
  • When your boasting is only about what someone else has done—how the Lord Jesus has died for you—it is hard to get proud and defensive and divisive.

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    About this Plan

    1 Corinthians With Mark Dever: When Church Hurts

    The Corinthian church—perhaps like ours—was struggling with division, immaturity and immorality. The apostle Paul pulls no punches, but points them to the cross; because “to us who are being saved it is the power of God”. This is a free sample of Explore daily Bible reading notes, published by The Good Book Company.


    We would like to thank The Good Book Company for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: www.thegoodbook.com