Be An EntrepreneurНамуна

Be An Entrepreneur

DAY 4 OF 4

Sean’s new hire was working out well - so well that Sean didn’t need to sell hot cocoa himself anymore. He oversaw his company’s operations wearing the new jersey he’d bought with the profits, sipping from a custom thermos that read, “Sean’s Mobile Hot Cocoa.”

“What are you thinking about now?” his stepfather asked him.

“I just want to keep making money,” Sean replied, “More and more.”

“Hmm. What do you want to use that money for?”

“I just want to keep it. I want to have the most money I can. Store up more and more. Then I’ll never have to worry.”

Sean’s stepfather laughed. “I don’t think it works that way.”

“Why not?”

“Well, for one thing money doesn’t cure all worries. That’s a God-sized job. And for another thing, your money doesn’t do any good when it’s hidden under your mattress. You’ve got to get it moving. Invest it or give it away.”

While the Bible encourages work and its rewards, there are many verses that warn against being too attached to your money. Jesus tells a story about a rich man who meets a nasty end because his reaction to success was to build bigger barns. There’s also Ecclesiastes 5:10 which says whoever loves money never has enough, and 1 Timothy 6:10 which calls the love of money the root of all kinds of evil.

So what should you do with your money other than store it? There are two good options: donate or invest.

Giving generously to people in need is a sign of faithfulness throughout the Bible. Plus it’s a rule in 2 Corinthians 8:13–15. The other way to serve people with your money is by investing. Investing means loaning your money to someone else with the expectation of later getting it back with interest. Investment gives other people opportunities to start their own businesses, create jobs, and serve their communities with new products and services. Some investments specifically help poor people learn job skills and rise out of poverty.

Entrepreneurs honor God by making new things, creating jobs, and investing and donating money, prospering their cities. Don’t dishonor God by loving money more than him.

Try this: Find an organization that does work you can invest in.

Prayer: God, thank you for investing in me. Please give me both success and compassion. Amen.

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About this Plan

Be An Entrepreneur

Help kids grow in business skills and godliness. With stories of a kid-run start-up and wisdom from the Bible, this plan gives kids the light-bulb moment to become an entrepreneur.
