Mattha 10
Tha Twal sent oot
1He caad hïs twal follaers thegither an he gien thaim tha pooer tae drive oot ïll spïrits an tae cure aa kines o disaises an ailments. 2Tha names o tha twal possels wus: furst, Simon (caad Petèr) an hïs brither Andra; then Jeames tha sinn o Zebedee, an hïs brither Jhone; 3Phïlip an Bartholomew; Tammas an Mattha tha tex man; Jeames tha sinn o Alphaeus, an Thaddaeus; 4Simon tha Zealot an Judas Iscariot, tha yin that bethrayed Jesus.
5An Jesus sent oot tha twal o thaim an gien thaim thair oardèrs: “Dïnnae be gaun amang tha Gentiles or ïntae onie toon o tha Samaritans. 6But rether gae tae tha loast sheep o Israel. 7An as ye ir gaun alang, praich thïs: ‘Tha Kïngdom o Heiven ïs nearhan.’ 8Heal seeck fowk, rise tha deid, cleanse thaim wi leprosie, drive oot ïll spïrits. Ye hae freelie received, sae ye maun gie freelie. 9Dïnnae tak alang onie gowld or siller, ner e'en a copper ïn yer girthpooch; 10tak nae baag fer tha róad, ner spare claes, ner shune ner a stav; fer tha warker ïs warth hïs keep. 11Whutiver toon or vïllage ye gae ïntae, luk fer some warthie dacent bodie thair an stap ower at hïs hoose til ye tak yer lave o tha place. 12As ye gae ïntae thïs hame or that, bïd thaim tha time o day. 13If tha hame ïs warthie, let yer blissin be on ït; ïf ït ïsnae warthie, let yer blissin cum bak tae ye. 14If the' dïnnae mak yis walcum or gie yis a hearin, dicht tha stour aff yer feet whan ye lea that hame or toon. 15A tell ye tha truith, tha fowk o Sodom an Gomorrah wull be bettèr aff on tha Day o Reckonin ner that toon.
16A'm sennin yis oot laik sheep amang wolfs. Sae be as cannie as sarpents an as hairmless as doos. 17Be on yer gaird agin men; the'll han yis ower tae tha cooncils an gie yis a guid whuppin ïn thair Meetin Hooses. 18On accoont o me, ye'll be brocht afore guviners an kïngs as wutnesses tae thaim an tae tha Gentiles. 19But whaniver yis ir lïftit an brocht tae thrial, dïnnae be ower enxious aboot whut tae say or hoo tae say ït. Ye'll be gien tha richt wurds at tha richt time. 20Fer ït'll no be you that's spakin, but tha Spïrit o yer Faither spakin throu ye. 21Brithers wull han ower thair brithers tae be kïllt, an faithers thair weans; an weans wull rise up agin thair faithers an mithers an hae thaim püt tae deith as weel. 22Ye'll be haitit bi yin an aa on accoont o me, but he that tholes tae tha enn wull be saved. 23Whan yis ir persecutit ïn yin place, fly tae anither. A tell ye tha truith, ye'll no hae feenished gaun throu aa tha toons o Israel afore tha Sinn o Man cums bak!
24A follaer ïs no abain hïs taicher, ner a sarvint abain hïs maistèr. 25Whut mair can tha follaer ax than tae be laik hïs taicher, or tha sarvint tae be laik hïs maistèr? Gin the' hae caad tha heid o tha hoose Beelzebul#10.25 Satan, weel, whut wull the' no caa aa tha yins o hïs hoosehold!
26Sae dïnnae be afeart o thaim. Thair's naethin covert ower that'll no cum tae licht, ner hïd that'll no be kent. 27Whut A tell ye ïn tha dairk, spake oot ïn tha braid daylicht; whut's whuspert ïn yer ear, blare ït oot frae tha ruiftaps. 28Dïnnae be feart o thaim that kïll tha bodie but cannae kïll tha sowl. Rether, be afeart o tha Yin that can desthroy baith bodie an sowl ïn hell. 29Ir twa wee sparras no soul fer a pennie? Yit no yin o thaim wull faa tae tha grun wioot yer Faither knowin ït. 30Fer tha verie hairs o yer heid ir aa coontit. 31Sae dïnnae be feart; yis ir warth mair ner a hale wheen o sparras. 32Whaiver's no feart tae own me afore men, A wull own hïm tae afore ma Faither ïn heiven. 33But whaiver disowns me afore men, A wull disown hïm afore ma Faither ïn heiven.
34Dïnnae be thïnkin A hae cum tae brïng peace tae tha irth. Na, A dïdnae cum tae brïng peace, but a sword. 35Fer A hae cum tae turn a man agin hïs faither, a dochtèr agin hir mither, a dochtèr-ïn-laa agin hir mither-ïn-laa; 36ït'll be tha yins leevin wi a man that wull be agin hïm. 37Oniebodie that loves hïs faither or hïs mither mair ner me ïs no warthie o me; nether ïs tha yin that loves hïs sinn or hïs dochtèr mair ner me warthie o me. 38An oniebodie that daesnae tak up hïs cross an follae me ïs no warthie o me. 39Whaiver fins hïs life wull loass ït, an whaiver loasses hïs life on accoont o me wull fin ït.
40Hïm that walcums you walcums me, an hïm that walcums me walcums tha Yin that sent me. 41Oniebodie that maks a proaphit walcum on accoont o hïs bein a proaphit wull be gien a proaphit's reward, an oniebodie that maks a guid man walcum on accoont o bein a guid man wull git a guid man's reward. 42An ïf oniebodie gies even a bicker o coul wattèr tae yin o these weans acause he ïs ma follaer - A tell ye, he wull no be wantin fer a reward, that's fer shair!”
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Mattha 10: USNT
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