Luik 18
Tha weeda that wudnae gie up
1Jesus toul hïs follaers thïs parable, that meent that the' shud aye pray an no gie up. 2An ït went laik thïs: “Thair wus thïs judge ïn a bïg toon, that haed nae fear o ether God ner man, an haed nae thocht fer oniebodie. 3In that same toon thair wus thïs weeda wumman, that kep on cumin tae tha judge, sayin, ‘Wud ye mak shair A get a fair dail ïn tha coort frae tha yin that's agin me?’ 4-5At tha stairt tha judge niver bothert: fer a lang time he dïd naethin. But then he saed tae hissel, ‘Tha mair A dïnnae fear God or care aboot fowk, still wi aa, A wull halp oot thïs weeda wumman, fer she's giein me that much bother. A'm scunnèrt wi hir aye rinnin tae me!’ ” 6Tha Loard went on, “Yis unnèrstan whut tha baad judge ïs sayin. 7Dae yis no thïnk God wull tak tha pairt o hïs ain fowk that cry oot tae hïm day an nicht? He'll no keep pittin thaim aff, sae he'll no. 8A'm tellin yis, He'll no be lang ïn seein justice daen. But whaniver tha Sinn o Man cums bak, A wunnèr wull he fin oniebodie wi faith on tha irth?”
Tha Pharisee an tha tex man
9An he toul anither parable tae tha yins that wus fu o thairsels, an thocht the' wur aa richt, an lukt doon on ithers. 10“Thair wus twa men went up tae tha Hoose o God fer tae pray. Yin wus a Pharisee an tha ither wus a tex man. 11-12Tha Pharisee ris tae hïs feet, an prayed tae hissel: ‘O God, A thenk ye that A'm no laik ither fowk, ner fer that mettèr laik thon tex boy ower thonner! A dïnnae chait fowk, A dae naethin wrang, an A keep tae me ain wife. A fast twice ïn tha week, an A gie a tenth o aa A hae.’ 13But tha tex man stud awa bak, an wudnae as much as lïft hïs een tae heiven, but he bate hïs breesht ïn sorra, an saed, ‘O God, hae mercie on me, fer A'm naethin but a sïnner!’ 14A tell ye, thïs tex man, an no tha Pharisee, went doon tae hïs hoose ïn guid stannin wi God. Fer tha yin that thïnks a lock o hissel wull be brocht doon, but tha yin that's hummle wull be lïftit up.”
Jesus blisses tha wee weans
15An as weel, the' brocht wee weans tae Jesus, sae that he cud pit hïs hans on thaim tae bliss thaim. But whaniver tha follaers saen thïs, the' chackt tha fowk. 16But Jesus toul thaim tae cum on aheid, an saed, “Alloo tha weans tae cum tae me; dïnnae stap thaim, fer tha Kïngdom o God belangs tae tha laik o these. 17A'm tellin ye, whaiver daesnae tak tha Kïngdom o God ïntae hïs hairt laik a wean daes, wull no get ïn ava.”
Walth ïn heiven
18Yinst an impoartin bodie axt hïm, “Guid Maistèr, whut maun A dae tae be shair A get tae heiven an leeve fer iver?” 19An Jesus saed bak tae hïm, “Why ir ye caain me guid? Thair's naebodie guid, apairt frae God. 20Ye weel ken tha commauns: ‘Dïnnae commït adultèrie’; ‘dïnnae murdèr’; ‘dïnnae tak whut's no yer ain’; ‘dïnnae tell lees aboot ither fowk’; an ‘gie respeck tae yer faither an yer mither.’ ” 21An tha bodie saed bak tae hïm, “A hae daen aa these thïngs since A wus onie age.” 22Whan Jesus heerd thïs, he saed tae tha man, “Thair's jist yin thïng ye still hae tae dae. Sell aa ye hae an gie tae thaim that haesnae much, an ye'll hae walth ïn heiven. An then cum bak an follae me!” 23Noo whaniver tha man heerd thïs he wus doon ïn tha mooth, fer he haed a wile lock o money. 24An whaniver Jesus saa tha wye tha man tuk ït, he saed, “Hoo verie haird ït ïs fer thaim that haes money tae git ïntae tha Kïngdom o God! 25Fer ït wud be aisier fer a kemel tae gae throu tha ee o a needle, ner fer a monied man tae git ïntae tha Kïngdom o God.” 26An tha yins that heerd ït axt, “Wha ïn aa tha warl can be saved then?” 27An Jesus saed, “Thaim thïngs men cannae dae, God's mair ner fït tae dae!” 28Wi that, Petèr saed, “Mine, we hae left iveriethin behin an follaed ye!” 29-30An Jesus saed tae thaim, “A'm tellin yis, oniebodie that haes left hïs hoose, hïs faither an mither, brithers, wife or weans fer tha sake o tha Kïngdom o God wull dae weel an hae plentie ïn thïs warl; an ïn tha warl tae cum he wull hae iverlastin life.”
Jesus tells whut's aheid o hïm
31Then he tuk tha Twal tae tha side an he saed tae thaim, “See here, we'r gaun up tae Jerusalem, an aa that's bin writ doon bi tha proaphits aboot tha Sinn o Man wull tak place thair. 32Fer he'll be hannit ower tae tha Gentiles fer thaim tae mak fun o hïm, trait hïm ïll an spït on hïm. 33An the' wull gie hïm a whuppin an kïll hïm, but on tha thurd day he wull rise tae life agane.” 34But the' dïdnae unnèrstan onie o tha thïngs he saed, fer tha mainin wus hïd frae thaim, an the' jist cudnae tak ït ïn.
A blin beggar hailt
35Noo whan Jesus wus cumin up tae Jericho, on tha ootskirts, a blin man wus sïttin beggin on tha bunker o tha róad. 36Whan he heerd tha thrang gaun bye, he axt whut ït wus aa aboot, 37an the' toul hïm, “Jesus o Nazareth ïs cumin.” 38Tha blin man cryed oot, “Jesus, Sinn o Davit, tak peetie on me!” 39An tha yins that went afore Jesus scoult tha beggar an the' toul hïm tae be quait, but he guldèrt aa tha mair, “Sinn o Davit, tak peetie on me!” 40An Jesus stapt an saed, “Brïng tha blin man tae me!” An whan the' dïd, Jesus axt hïm, 41“Whut dae ye want me tae dae fer ye?” An he saed, “Loard, A want tae be able tae see agane.” 42An Jesus saed bak tae hïm, “Hae yer sicht! Yer faith haes made ye hale.” 43Richt awa he cud see agane, an he follaed Jesus, giein glorie tae God. An whaniver aa tha ither fowk saa thïs, the' gien praise tae God as weel.
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