Jhone 7
Jesus an hïs brithers
1Eftèr aa thïs, Jesus trevelt roon aboot Galilee, an he kep hissel weel oot o Judea, fer tha Jews thonner wur lukkin tae dae awa wi hïm. 2But whaniver tha Jews' Faist o Shiltèrs#7.2 or: tha Faist o Tabernacles cum near, 3Jesus's brithers toul hïm, “Ye shud lea here an gang tae Judea, sae as yer follaers can aa see tha guid warks ye'r daein. 4Naebodie that's lukkin tae get tae tha tap iver daes thïngs ïn hidlins. Seein as ye'r aye daein these thïngs, dae thaim oot ïn tha apen, afore tha fowk!” 5Fer no e'en hïs ain brithers believed ïn hïm. 6Jesus saed bak tae thaim, “Na, fer masel tha richt time ïs no here yit; but onie time fer yous wud dae. 7Tha warl haes nae cal tae hait yous. It haits me but, fer A stan wutness that tha warl daes nocht but ïll. 8Awa on up yersels tae tha Faist. A'm no fer gaun up jist noo, fer ït's no tha richt time yit fer masel.” 9Whan he toul thaim that, he stapt ïn Galilee.
Jesus gangs up tae tha Faist
10Hooaniver, eftèr hïs brithers haed gan up tae tha Faist, he went up on hïs lane, on tha quait an no ïn tha apen. 11Noo at tha Faist tha Jews wur lukkin oot fer hïm an axin, “Whar's thon man?” 12Thair wus a wile lock o whusperin amang tha thrang aboot hïm. Some saed, “Thon's yin guid man.” “Na!” saed ithers. “He's pittin fowk tha wrang róad.” 13But fer fear o tha Jews naebodie wud say ocht aboot hïm oot ïn tha apen.
Jesus taiches fowks at tha Faist
14Whan tha Faist wus half ower, Jesus gaed up tae tha coortyaird o tha Hoose o God, an he stairtit lairnin tha fowks. 15Tha Jews wur stoondit an axt, “Whar dïd yer man git sitch lairnin, an hïm wi nae schuilin ava?” 16Jesus toul thaim, “Ma taichin ïs no ma ain. It cums frae hïm that sent me. 17If oniebodie haes a mine tae dae tha wull o God, he'll fin oot ïf ma taichin cums frae God, or whuther ït's jist ma ain. 18Hïm that gies oot hïs ain thochts daes ït fer hïs ain glorie. But hïm that daes ït fer tha glorie o tha yin that sent hïm, he's a man o truith; thair's nae lees aboot hïm ava. 19Dïd Moses no gie ye tha laa? Yit thair's no yin o yis keeps tha laa. Whut ir ye wantin tae kïll me fer?” 20“Ye hae a divil ïn ye,” tha thrang answert. “Wha's oot tae kïll ye?” 21Jesus toul thaim, “A daen tha yin mïracle an yis ir aa dumfoonèrt #7.21 cf Jhone 5:1-9. 22Yit, Moses gien ye tha laa o circumcision - tha mair, ïn fect, ït dïdnae cum frae Moses ava, but frae tha patriarchs afore hïm - an acause o that, yous'll circumcise weans on tha Sabbath day. 23Noo ïf ye'll circumcise a wean on tha Sabbath day sae as tha laa o Moses wull no git brauk, hoo cum yis'r ang'rie wi me fer makkin a hale man weel on tha Sabbath day? 24Quït yer judgin bi tha luk o thïngs, but judge tha richt wye.”
Cud Jesus be tha Messiah?
25Richt then some o tha fowk frae Jerusalem begun axin yin anither, “Is thïs no tha man the'r lukkin tae kïll? 26Luk, here he ïs, taakin oot ïn tha apen, an the'r no sayin yin wurd tae hïm! It cudnae be that oor heidyins haes cum roon tae thïnkin he's tha Christ, cud ït? 27But shair we ken whar thïs man cums frae; yit whan tha Christ cums, naebodie wull ken whar he cums frae.” 28An sae whaniver Jesus wus taichin ïn tha Temple coorts, he caad oot, “Ay, ye thïnk ye ken me, an ye thïnk ye ken whar A cum frae! But A'm no here on ma ain accoont. Hïm that sent me ïs true. Hïm yis dïnnae ken. 29But A ken hïm, fer A cum frae hïm, an ït's hïm that sent me.” 30Eftèr that, the' haed a mine tae grup Jesus, but niver tha yin layed a han on hïm, fer hïs oor haednae cum yit. 31Wi aa that, monie o tha fowk püt thair faith ïn hïm. An the' saed, “Whaniver Messiah cums, dae ye thïnk he wud dae onie mair mïraclis signs ner thïs man?”
32Tha Pharisees heerd tha whuspers gaun roon tha crood aboot hïm. An sae tha heid preeshts an tha Pharisees sent sodgers o tha Temple Gaird tae tak hïm ïn. 33Jesus toul thaim, “A'm wi ye fer a wee while langer jist, an then A'm gaun tae tha yin that sent me. 34Ye'll luk fer me, but ye'll no fin me; an whar A be, ye cannae cum.” 35Tha Jews saed tae yin anither, “Whar's thïs man fer gaun that we'll niver fin hïm? Wull he gang whar oor fowks ïs leevin skailt amang tha Greeks, an taich tha Greeks? 36Whut wus he taakin aboot whan he saed, ‘Ye'll luk fer me, but ye'll no fin me; an whar A be, ye cannae cum.’?”
Leevin wattèr
37On tha last day - tha bïg day - o tha Faist, Jesus stud up an caad oot lood, “If oniebodie haes a druith on thaim, cum tae me an tak a drïnk. 38Oniebodie that lippens on me - jist as Scrïpture haes saed - ‘Leevin wattèrs wull rin oot frae hïs hairt.’ ” 39He wus taakin here aboot tha Spïrit, that hïs follaers wud be gien latèr on. Up tae noo tha Spïrit wusnae gien, fer Jesus haednae cum ïntae hïs glorie yit.
Tha fowk ïs divïd aboot Jesus
40Whaniver the' heerd hïs wurds, some o tha fowk saed, “Thïs man fer shair maun be tha Proaphit!” 41Ithers saed, “Thïs man ïs tha Christ.” But ither yins axt, “Hoo cud tha Christ cum frae Galilee? 42Dae tha Scrïptures no say that Christ wull cum frae tha femlie o Davit, an fae tha toon o Bethlehem, whar Davit leeved?” 43An sae tha fowk wus divïd aboot hïm. 44Some wur lukkin tae lay houl o hïm. But naebodie layed a fïng'r on hïm.
Tha heidyins o tha Jews dïnnae believe
45Sae eftèr aa that, tha sodgers o tha Temple Gaird went bak tae tha heid preeshts an Pharisees, an the' wur axt, “Hoo cum yis niver brocht hïm ïn?” 46“Naebodie iver taakt tha wye thon man daes,” tha sodgers toul thaim. 47“Ye'r no tellin iz he haes tuk yous ïn anaa?” tha Pharisees speered. 48“Daes onie o iz heidyins or Pharisees houl wi hïm? 49Na, nane but thon gether-up that kens naethin o tha Laa - an the' ir damned oniehoo!” 50Noo Nicodemus, yin o tha Pharisees - hïm that cum tae Jesus afore - axt thaim, 51“Daes oor Laa fin a bodie guiltie wioot giein hïm a hearin furst, fer tae fin oot whut he's daen?” 52The' cum bak an saed, “Ir you frae Galilee anaa? Luk ïntae ït an ye'll fin that nae proaphit cums oot o Galilee.”
53Sae the' aa went bak hame tae thair ain hoose.
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