Luke 12
chapter twelve
1meanwhile has self gathered a crowd of thousands people, so that they have self treading one the other, has he begun to the first to say to his disciples: beware for the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. 2and it is there is not any veiled thing, what will not unveiled to be, and any secret thing, which will not known made to be. 3therefore, all which you (PL) have spoken in the darkness, will heard to be in the light; and what you (PL) have said on the ear in innermost rooms, that will proclaimed to be on the rooftops. 4I tell you (PL) however, my friend: have not any fear before the (one), who kill the body and after that are not able something more to do. 5I will you (PL) however to show before whom you (PL) shall fear have: have fear before him, who after kill, has he the power throw in in Gehenna into; yes, I tell you (PL), before the this shall you (PL) fear have! 6(question) sell they then not five birds for two assarion (pennies)? and any one of them is not forgotten before Hashem. 7but even the hair of your head are all counted. have not any fear! you (PL) are worth more than a many birds. 8I tell you (PL) however: every one, who will self acknowledge to me before men, will also the Son of Man self acknowledge to him before the angels of Hashem; 9the one however, who denies me before men, will denied to be before the angels of Hashem. 10and every one, who will say a word against the Son of Man will it him forgiven to be; who however it blasphemes the Spirit the Holy, that one will not forgiven to be. 11and when they leads you (PL) before the synagogues and before the rulers and before the authorities, shall you (PL) not worry, how or with what you (PL) shall self defend or what you (PL) shall say; 12because the Spirit the Holy will you (PL) teach in the same hour, what you (PL) ought to say.
13and someone out the crowd people has to him said: Rebbe, tell the brother mine, that he shall self to share with me with the inheritance! 14he however has to him said: man, who has me appointed for a judge or arbitrator over you (PL)? 15he has however to them said: give attention and beware self for every money avarice! because the life of a man consists not in the abundance of his possessions. 16and has them told a parable, so to say: a certain rich man's land has brought a good harvest; 17and he has self thought was, saying: what shall I do, as I have not place where to gather my fruit? 18and has said: the these will I do: I will tear down my granaries and build larger and will there gather the whole grain increase and the possessions my; 19and I will say to my soul: soul my, you have a many good things lying on many years; have rest, eat, drink and let you (SG) be merry! 20Hashem however has to him said: you (SG) fool, in the this one night will your soul of you (SG) demanded to be; and for whom will it be, (for) which you (SG) you have reserved? 21just so goes it the one, who gathers treasures for self and is not rich in Hashem.
22and he has said to his disciples: on account of the tell I you (PL): worry not for your life, what you (PL) will to eat; also not for your body, what you (PL) will self clothe with. 23because the life is more than the food and the body—than the garment. 24consider the ravens! that not they sow, not they reap, they have not any storeroom, not any barn, and Hashem nourishes them yet; how much more are you (PL) worth than the birds? 25and who of you (PL) with his worry can add a cubit to his stature? 26therefore, if you (PL) are not even able to do the smallest, why worry you (PL) self for the remaining things? 27consider the lilies! how not they spin, not they weave; and I tell you (PL), even Solomon in his whole glory is not was clothed as one of the these. 28and if Hashem clothes thus the grass in the field, which today is it and tomorrow becomes it thrown in furnace into, how much more you (PL), you (PL) small believers! 29and seek not after what you (PL) will to eat and what you (PL) will drink and stir up self not about (it). 30because to the all things strive the nations of the world; your Father however knows, that you (PL) require the these things. 31but seek his kingdom and these (things) will you (PL) given to be. 32have not any fear, you (SG) little flock; because it is well pleased the Father your, you (PL) to give the kingdom! 33sell your possessions and give alms charity; make self purses, which become not old; a treasure, which leaves self not out, in heaven, where any thief come near self not and any moth destroy also not. 34because where your treasure is, there will also your heart be.
35should your (PL) loins be wrapped and your (PL) lamp burning; 36and be like to people, who wait on their L-rd, when he will self return from the wedding feast, so that when he comes and knock on, should they him immediately open. 37blessed are those servants, which when the L-rd comes finds he them awake; in truth tell I you (PL), he will self fasten gartel (belt) and them to sit down (sit a person down) to the table and go and them serve. 38and if he will come in the second (one) or third watch of the night and will them so find, are blessed those servants. 39but the these shall you (PL) know, that if the owner of the house would known in which hour the thief comes, would he not allow they shall break in into his house. 40and you (PL) shall be ready, because the Son of Man comes in an hour, which you (PL) stands self not for.
41and Peter has said: L-rd, (question) you say the these parable to us or also to (to) everyone? 42and the L-rd has said: who then is the faithful and understanding house steward, whom the L-rd will appoint over his household, that he shall them give the measure of food at the right time? 43blessed is that servant, who when the L-rd his comes, finds he him so doing. 44in truth tell I you (PL), that he will him appoint over all his possessions. 45if however that servant will say in his heart: my L-rd delays self to come; and will begin to beat up the servants and the maids, also to eat and drink and self get drunk, 46will the L-rd of that servant come in a day, when he expect it not and in a hour, which he knows not; and will him cut up in two and will assign his share with the rebellious. 47that servant however, who has known his the L-rd's will and has not prepared, or done according to his desire, will to suffer a many beating; 48however the one, who has not known, and has done this, for which he is liable beating, will few struck to be. and every one, whom a many was given, will a many required to be from him; and whom they has a many entrusted, will more required of him.
49I am come, to cast a fire on the earth; and what wish I, if it has self already kindled? 50I however have a mikveh immersed to be, and as it do me, I am distressed, until it will finished to be! 51you (PL) think, that I am come to give peace on the earth? no! I tell you (PL), but much more a division; 52because from now on will be five in one house divided; three against two, and two against three. 53it will be divided father against son and son against father; mother against daughter and daughter against the mother; mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against the mother-in-law.
54and he has also said to the crowds of people: when you (PL) see a cloud rise up in west, say you (PL) immediately: it comes a rain; and so occur it. 55and when it blows a south wind, say you (PL); it will be a heat; and it occurs. 56you (PL) hypocrites, the appearance of the earth and of the heaven know you (PL) to find out; and how is it that you (PL) find out not the this time? 57and why judge you (PL) not of self alone, what is right? 58because when you (SG) go with your adversary before ruler, give (take) you (SG) the effort on the way, that you (SG) shall reconciled to be with him (with good); lest will he you drag away to the judge, and the judge will you give over to the police, and the police will you throw in in prison into. 59I tell you (SG), you (SG) you will never way of there not out, until you (SG) you will not have paid the last penny!
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English Interlinear of the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadasha
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