San Lucas 17

Sc'oblal mach'atic ya xyahlteswanic ta mulil
1Te Jesús hich la yalbe te jnopojeletic yu'un: Fuersa ay ya xtal yahltesel ta mulil, pero ¡ay me swocol te mach'a ya xyahlteswan! 2Ha lec te yacuc yich' chucbeyel cha' ta snuc' soc ya yich' ch'ojel ochel ta mar, te mach'a ya syahltes jtuhluc ha'i bic'tal alaletic ini. 3¡Tsahtaya me abahic! Teme ay la sta smul ta atojol te awermano, tsitsa; teme ya suhtes yo'tan, pasbeya perdón. 4Teme huqueb buelta ta jun c'ahc'al ya sta smul ta atojol, pero teme huqueb buelta ya xtal ta atojol soc ya yal: Ya jsuhtes co'tan, teme xchihe, pasbeya perdón.
Sc'anel xan sch'uhunel-o'tanil
5Te jpuc-c'opetic hich la yalbeyic te Cajwaltic: A'botcotic xan sch'uhunel co'tancotic, xchihic.
6La yal te Cajwaltic: Te ayuc sch'uhunel awo'tanic hich te bin ut'il jp'ij sbac' mostaza, ya xhu' yac awalbeyic te sicómoro-te' ini: Bula loq'uel aba, bahan, ts'una aba ta mar, teme xchihexe, ya me sch'uhumbeyex ac'opic.
Te bin ya sc'an ya spas te a'bat
7¿Mach'ahex a te ay a'bat yu'un te ya stop'lum o ya scanantay wacax, te c'alal ya xhul tal hich ya yalbe: La, c'axan ta mesa, xchi bal? 8¿Ma bal hichuc ya yalbe: Chahpambon jwe'el, chuca ach'uht, c'asesbon tal ta mesa, ha to teme laj co'tan ta we'el uch'el, patil ya xwe' x'uch'at te ha'ate, ma bal xchihuc? 9¿Ya bal yalbe wocol te a'bat yu'un te la spas te bin halbot ya spase? Ma wan te ya cale. 10Ha nix hich te ha'exe, teme la apasic spisil te bin halbotex, hich me yac awalic: Ma xtuhunotcotic ta a'batinel, ha nax la jpascotic te bin ay ta jcuentacotic spasel, chihanic me, xchi te Jesús.
Jesús la slecubtes lajuntuhl jc'a'el-chameletic
11Yac ta bahel ta Jerusalén a te Jesús, c'ax ta ti'ts'acan yu'un Samaria soc Galilea. 12C'alal c'oht ta jun tut pueblo, tal ta tahel yu'un lajuntuhl winiquetic te yich'ojic c'a'el-chamel; namal to hul stehc'an sbahic, 13hich la yawtayic te Jesús: ¡Jesús, Maestro, c'uxultayawotcotic! xchihic ta aw.
14C'alal ilotic yu'un Jesús, hich halbotic yu'un: Bahanic, ac'a abahic ta ilel ta stojol te sacerdotehetique, xchi sc'oblalic.
Te c'alal yacalic ta bahel a, ch'ay te sc'a'el-chamelique. 15Te jtuhle, c'alal la yil te ch'ayix te sc'a'el-chamel, suht tal soc tulan yac yalbebel yutsilal te Diose, 16tal spahcan sba c'alal lum ta ye'tal yoc Jesús ta yalbeyel wocol yu'un. Ha samaritano-winic. 17La yal te Jesús: ¿Ma bal lajuntuhluc te lecubtesbilic? ¿Banti ay te baluntuhle? 18¿Ma bal ayuc yan suht tal ta yalbeyel wocol Dios, hip bal a ha'i jyanlum winic ini? xchi. 19Hich la yalbe te winique: Hahchan, bahanix; ta scuenta sch'uhunel awo'tan colematix, xchi.
Ya xtal te cuentahinel yu'un Dios
20Te fariseohetic la sjoc'obeyic te Jesús te bin ora ya xtal te cuentahinel yu'un Dios, hich halbotic yu'un: Ma chicanuc ta ilel te ya xtal te cuentahinel yu'un Dios, 21soc ma ba ya yalic: Ilawil, li' ayixi, o: Ilawil, tey ay a, ma xchihuc, como ay ta awohlilic#17.21 O: ay ta awo'tanic te cuentahinel yu'un Dios, xchi.
22Soc la yalbe te jnopojeletic yu'une: Ya me sta yorahil te awo'tanicuc te yac awilic junuc sc'ahc'alel te Nich'anil ay ta scuenta winic, pero ma ba yac awilic. 23Hich me ya xhalbotex: Ilawil, li' ay, o: Ilawil, tey ay a, xchihic. Ma me xbahex soc ma me xat'unic bahel, 24como hich te bin ut'il xliplujet ya xtihl tsantsehwal ta sti'il ch'ulchan c'alal ta yan sti'il, hich ya xc'oht te bin ora ya xtal te Nich'anil ay ta scuenta winic. 25Pero ya sc'an te nahil ya xc'ax bayel swocol soc ya xp'ajot yu'un te jcaj ts'umbalil ini. 26Hich te bin yilel ta yorahil Noé, hich yilel ta yorahil te Nich'anil ay ta scuenta winic. 27Yacalic ta we'el uch'el, ta nuhpunel soc ta aq'uel ta nuhpunel, ha to c'alal och ta barco te Noé soc tal te puhlel te la slajin spisilic. 28Ha nix hich ta yorahil Lot, yacalic ta we'el uch'el, ta chombajel, mambajel, ts'umbajel soc ta pas na. 29Pero te bin c'ahc'alil loc' ta Sodoma te Lot, co tal c'ahc' soc azufre ta ch'ulchan, la slajin spisilic. 30Ha nix hich te bin c'ahc'alil ya xchicnaj tal te Nich'anil ay ta scuenta winic.
31Ta hich ora te mach'a mohem ta ba na ma me x'och sloq'ues tal te sbiluc ay ta yutil sna; soc te mach'a ay ta sq'uinal, ma me suhtix bahel ta sna. 32Na'ahic me te yihnam Lot. 33Spisil mach'a ya sc'an ya scoltay scuxlejal, ya sch'ay bahel; yan te mach'a ya sch'ay scuxlejal, ya scoltay stuquel.
34Ya calbeyex, ta hich ahc'abal ay cheb wayalic ta jun wayibal, jtuhl ya x'ic'ot, jtuhl ya xhil. 35Ay cheb antsetic ayic ta juch', jtuhl ya x'ic'ot, jtuhl ya xhil. 36Ay cheb winiquetic ayic ta sq'uinalic, jtuhl ya x'ic'ot, jtuhl ya xhil, xchi.#17.36 Ay antiguo hunetic te ma ba yich'ojic vs. 36.
37Hich joc'obot yu'unic: ¿Banti, Cajwal? xchihic.
Ta banti ay te chamen baq'uet, tey nix ya stsob tal sbahic a te hosetique, xchi te Jesús.

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San Lucas 17: TZH

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