John 20
1And in one day of the week, Mary Magdalene came early to the grave, when it was yet dark. And she saw the stone moved away from the grave.
2Therefore she ran, and came to Simon Peter, and to another disciple, whom Jesus loved, and saith to them, They have taken the Lord from the grave, and we know not, where they have laid him.
3Therefore Peter went out, and that other disciple, and they came to the grave.
4And they twain ran together, and that other disciple ran before Peter, and came first to the grave.
5And when he stooped, he saw the sheets lying, nevertheless he entered not.
6Therefore Simon Peter came pur-suing him, and he entered into the grave, and he saw the sheets laid,
7and the sudarium that was on his head, not laid with the sheets, but by itself wrapped into a place.
8Therefore then that disciple that came first to the grave, entered, and saw, and believed.
9For they knew not yet the scripture, that it behooved him to rise again from death.
10Therefore the disciples went again to themselves.
11But Mary stood at the grave withoutforth weeping. And while she wept, she bowed her, and beheld forth into the grave.
12And she saw two angels sitting in white, one at the head and one at the feet, where the body of Jesus was laid.
13And they say to her, Woman, what weepest thou? She said to them, For they have taken away my Lord, and I know not, where they have laid him.
14When she had said these things, she turned backward [or she turned aback], and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus.
15Jesus saith to her, Woman, what weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She guessing that he was the gardener, saith to him, Sire, if thou hast taken him up, say to me, where thou hast laid him, and I shall take him away.
16Jesus saith to her, Mary. She turned, and saith to him, Rabboni, that is to say, Master.
17Jesus saith to her, Do not thou touch me, for I have not yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brethren, and say to them, I ascend to my Father and to your Father, to my God and to your God.
18Mary Magdalene came, telling to the disciples, That I saw the Lord, and these things he said to me.
19Therefore when it was even [or eventide] in that day, [in] one of the sabbaths, and the gates were shut, where the disciples were gathered, for dread of the Jews, Jesus came, and stood in the middle of the disciples, and he saith to them, Peace [be] to you.
20And when he had said this, he showed to them [his] hands and side; therefore the disciples joyed, for the Lord was seen.
21And he saith to them again, Peace to you; as the Father sent me, I send you.
22When he had said this, he blew on them, and said, Take ye the Holy Ghost;
23whose sins ye forgive, those be forgiven to them; and whose sins ye withhold, those be withheld.
24But Thomas, one of the twelve, that is said Didymus, was not with them, when Jesus came.
25Therefore the other disciples said, We have seen the Lord. And he said to them, But I see in his hands the printing of the nails, and put my finger into the place of the nails, and put mine hand into his side, I shall not believe.
26And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them. Jesus came, while the gates were shut, and stood in the middle, and said, Peace to you.
27Afterward he saith to Thomas, Put in here thy finger, and see mine hands, and put hither thine hand, and put [it] into my side, and do not thou be unbelieveful, but faithful.
28Thomas answered, and said to him, My Lord and my God.
29Jesus saith to him, Thomas, for thou hast seen me, thou believedest; blessed be they, that saw not, and have believed.
30And Jesus did many other signs in the sight of his disciples, which be not written in this book.
31But these be written, that ye believe, that Jesus is Christ, the Son of God, and that ye believing have life in his name.
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John 20: WBMS
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