Isaiah 63

The Day of Vengeance
1Who is this coming from the city of Bozrah # 63:1 Bozrah means “sheepfold” or “fortress.” in Edom? # 63:1 Although Edom was an ancient kingdom in Transjordan, the general consensus of scholars is that Edom here is a symbolic term for the enemies of God—a collective archetype of that which stands in God’s way. It is possible, since Edom is a variant form of Adam, sharing the same Hebrew root, that we are seeing how God triumphs over “Adam” by the crimson blood of the Last Adam, Jesus Christ. Additionally, the Edomites were bitter enemies of the Jews and typify the warfare of the flesh versus the spirit (see Gal. 5:17). Isaiah saw this mystery man coming on the road from Bozrah to Zion, clothed in crimson garments, having conquered his enemies, not weary or fainting. He came in the greatness of his strength.
He is dressed in garments of bright scarlet, # 63:1 Or “majestic in attire.”
robed in a garment dyed bright red,
marching like a champion in his great power and might.
“It is I! I am the one who announces righteousness,
I am mighty and ready to save!” # 63:1 This points to Jesus Christ, who is mighty to save those who come to him in faith. Alone, he conquered sin, death, Satan, sickness, fear, and the grave. Isaiah’s focus seems to be on the finished work of Jesus on the cross. See John 19:30; Eph. 1:20–23; Col. 2:15; 1 John 2:14–18.
2Why are your robes so red,
like those of one treading grapes?
3“I have been treading in the winepress alone,
and there was no one there from the nations to help me.
I stomped on the nations in my anger
and trampled them down in my wrath.
Their blood soaked my clothing and stained all my robes.
4For a day of vengeance # 63:4 The “day of vengeance” has multiple applications. It can refer to the release of the Jews from Babylon, the release of the church from the Dark Ages, the release of creation from the bondage of corruption brought by sin (see Rom. 8:19–21), or, as some would claim, the future battle of Armageddon. But the context favors an interpretation that this prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus Christ was crucified and rendered judgment on principalities and powers by the blood of his cross and his triumphant resurrection. was in my heart,
and the time for my redeeming work had come.
5I looked, but there was no one to help me.
I was amazed that there was no one to support me.
So my own power # 63:5 Or “my own arm,” a symbol of God’s power. accomplished salvation,
and my wrath # 63:5 Some Hebrew manuscripts have weṣidqathi: “My victorious [right hand] sustained me.” sustained me.
6So I trampled down nations in my anger
and shattered them in my fury # 63:6 As translated from most Hebrew manuscripts and the Targum (Aramaic); however, some manuscripts read “I made them drunk with my fury.”
and spilled their blood on the ground.”
God’s Endless Mercy
7I will tell again of the faithful, gracious acts # 63:7 Literally “the loving-kindnesses.” of Yahweh
and praise him for everything # 63:7 Or “the praiseworthy deeds.” he has done for us—
the wonderful goodness, # 63:7 See Ps. 145:7. the riches of his mercy,
which he has shown to the house of Israel,
and the abundance of his endless love.
8For he said,
“Truly, they are my loyal children who will not act deceitfully.”
He became their Savior. # 63:8 See Matt. 1:21–23.
9When they suffered, he suffered with them.
The Angel of His Presence saved them. # 63:9 Or “Neither an elder or an angel, but the Lord himself saved them.” See Ex. 23:20–23; 33:14–15; Deut. 4:37. “The Angel of His Presence” is literally “the Angel of His Faces.” God has many faces that he reveals to his people. Most scholars conclude that this phrase, a hapax legomenon, does not refer to one of the angelic host but to the Lord himself. Others see this angel as Gabriel, for he is described as the angel who comes from the presence (face) of God (see Luke 1:19).
Out of his enduring love and compassion
he redeemed them.
He lifted them up, carried them in his arms, # 63:9 See Deut. 1:31; 32:10–12.
and cared for them all the days of old.
10But they rebelled against him
and grieved his Holy Spirit. # 63:10 The Holy Spirit has feelings that can be hurt, leaving him grieved. See Gen. 6:6; Ps. 78:40; Eph. 4:30.
Only then did he turn against them.
He became their enemy and fought against them.
The Day of Remembrance
11Then they remembered God’s deeds in days past,
the days of Moses and his people.
And they asked:
“Where now is Yahweh, who brought them miraculously
through the Red Sea
along with Moses, the shepherd-leader # 63:11 Or “shepherds” (plural), indicating that this refers to Moses, Aaron, and the leaders of Israel. of his flock,
and put his Holy Spirit among them? # 63:11 See Num. 11:17.
12Where now is the one
who linked his magnificent power to Moses, # 63:12 Or “who made his majestic arm march at the right hand of Moses.” This may be a figurative way of saying that God put his power in Moses’ right hand.
who divided the waters before them
to gain everlasting fame for himself?
13Who led them through the depths of the sea?
They were as sure-footed as horses on dry, level ground—
they did not stumble.
14As a herder leads his cattle to find rest in a fertile valley,
the Spirit of Yahweh led them into rest. # 63:14 See Ps. 23:1–3.
In the same way, you led your people
to win for yourself a glorious name!” # 63:14 See Eph. 1:20–23; Phil. 2:5–11.
The Day of Prayer
15Lord, look down from heaven,
from your holy, glorious dwelling place, and see us.
What happened to your passion for us
and your mighty acts of power?
Why are you withholding from us
your feelings # 63:15 Or “yearnings.” God has deep feelings toward us, for the Hebrew is literally “[Don’t hold back] the agitation of your intestines.” of tender compassion? # 63:15 The Hebrew word for “compassion” is a homonym that can also be translated “womb.” They both speak of nurturing love, care, and tenderness.
16For you are our loving Father.
Even if our ancestors, Abraham and Jacob, # 63:16 Or “Israel.”
don’t acknowledge us,
you, O  Yahweh, are our loving Father! # 63:16 See Deut. 32:6.
From ancient times your name is our Redeemer.
17Yahweh, why do you allow us # 63:17 The Hebrew word is tatenu (“make us”). Similar to the tolerative form of the Hiphil of ta’ah in Jer. 50:6, it is best seen as “allow us” versus causative, in its usual form, “make us.” to wander from your ways
and harden our hearts to be so stubborn
that we do not obey you? # 63:17 Or “fear you.”
Please come back to us,
for the sake of those who serve you,
for the sake of your people,
the tribes that are your inheritance.
18For a short time
your holy people possessed a holy place. # 63:18 Or “Jerusalem.”
But now our enemies have invaded and trampled down
your sacred sanctuary.
19You treat us as though we had never been your people,
called by your name, or ruled by you.

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