Genesis 5

Family History of Adam and Eve
1-2When God created human beings he made them in the likeness of God and created them as male and female. After he had created them, he lovingly # 5:1–2 Love is implied in God’s blessing upon the human family. God’s blessing was upon man and woman, empowering them to live on this planet. Inherent in this “blessing” was being infused with power and favor to succeed in life and to multiply. Father God loves to bless his people. blessed them and named them “humanity.” # 5:1–2 Or “Adam.” No stronger statement could be made that male and female are coequal before their Creator. There is really only one man in the Old Testament, and that is Adam. There is really only one man in the New Testament, and that is Jesus. There are really only two men who have represented the human race: the first Adam and the Last Adam, Jesus Christ. The books of Genesis and Matthew are both introduced with the record of the generations of Adam and Christ.
So here is the family history # 5:1–2 Or “book” or “written record.” What follows is a genealogy. God included so many genealogies in the Bible because he loves families and they are important to God. Each name represents a family. of Adam and Eve: # 5:1–2 See 1 Chron. 1:1–4; Luke 3:23–38.
3When Adam was one hundred and thirty, # 5:3 Or “two hundred and thirty” (LXX, Sam. Pent.). The ages given of individuals in this chapter are taken from the Hebrew. Both the Septuagint and Samaritan Pentateuch give different ages, usually adding one hundred years to each. he fathered a child in his own likeness and in his own image, and he named him Seth. 4Adam lived an additional eight hundred years after Seth was born and had many other sons and daughters. 5The life span of Adam was nine hundred and thirty years, and then he died. # 5:5 People experienced lengthy life spans in the antediluvian age. It is plausible that Adam and Noah knew each other, since their lives overlapped 243 years. Perhaps Adam orally passed down the creation story to his entire lineage, including Noah. One Jewish tradition states that Adam had three hundred sons and daughters. The history of man begins with death and pain, but will one day end with delight and pleasure, as the redeemed become the dwelling place of God.
6When Seth was one hundred and five, he fathered Enosh. 7Seth lived an additional eight hundred and seven years after Enosh was born and had many other sons and daughters. 8The life span of Seth was nine hundred and twelve years, and then he died.
9When Enosh was ninety, he fathered Kenan. # 5:9 The probable meaning of Kenan is “one who laments [over death or dying].” 10Enosh lived an additional eight hundred and fifteen years after Kenan was born and had many other sons and daughters. 11The life span of Enosh was nine hundred and five years, and then he died.
12When Kenan was seventy, he fathered Mahalalel. # 5:12 Mahalalel means “the splendor of God” or “praising God.” 13Kenan lived an additional eight hundred and forty years after Mahalalel was born and had many other sons and daughters. 14The life span of Kenan was nine hundred and ten years, and then he died.
15When Mahalalel was sixty-five, he fathered Jared. # 5:15 Or “Yered.” Jared means “to descend” or possibly “servant.” 16Mahalalel lived an additional eight hundred and thirty years after Jared was born and had many other sons and daughters. 17The life span of Mahalalel was eight hundred and ninety-five years, and then he died.
18When Jared was one hundred and sixty-two, he fathered Enoch. # 5:18 Enoch means “he teaches,” “he initiates,” or “dedicated one.” As the seventh from Adam, the life of Enoch teaches us what a life of dedication to God looks like. Enoch shows us what mature sonship could be. He was a prophet who foretold the second coming (see Judah [Jude] 14–15). God told Adam and Eve about the first coming (see Gen. 3:15), yet Enoch received even more revelation as he prophesied of the return of Christ. 19Jared lived an additional eight hundred years after Enoch was born and had many other sons and daughters. 20The life span of Jared was nine hundred and sixty-two years, and then he died.
21When Enoch was sixty-five, he fathered Methuselah. # 5:21 Methuselah is a complex name with at least two words embedded within it: “death” and “send/let go.” Some scholars believe his name means “when he dies, it will be sent” or “his death will bring.” This is a prophecy hidden in his name, for the year he died was the year God sent the flood. Jewish writers say that Methuselah, Noah’s grandfather, died seven days before the flood and that Noah and his family entered the ark the day Methuselah died (Gen. 7:10). For 969 years, the world had a walking warning of the coming judgment. An alternate meaning of Methuselah is “man of the spear [weapon].” 22Enoch walked with God for three hundred years after Methuselah was born and had many other sons and daughters. 23-24Enoch and God walked together as intimate friends; then God took him to himself, # 5:23–24 The phrase “God took him” is the Hebrew word laqach, which can also mean “God took him in marriage,” as a man takes a bride in marriage. Luke included Enoch in the genealogy of the Son of God (see Luke 3:23–38). He was a man who walked in faith and was translated from earth to heaven without dying (apotheosis). His life was pleasing to God (see Heb. 11:5). He also was a prophet who prophesied about the coming of Christ with myriads of holy ones (see Judah [Jude] 14–15). Ancient Jewish and Arabic writings often refer to him as one who possessed the secrets of heaven and invented mathematics, astronomy, and a lunar-based calendar. The Book of Jubilees states that he was carried into paradise, where he wrote down the judgment of all men. and he was seen no more. The life span of Enoch was three hundred and sixty-five years.
25When Methuselah was one hundred and eighty-seven, he fathered Lamech. 26Methuselah lived an additional seven hundred and eighty-two years after Lamech was born and had many other sons and daughters. 27The life span of Methuselah was nine hundred and sixty-nine years, and then he died.
28When Lamech was one hundred and eighty-two, he fathered a son 29and named him Noah, # 5:29 This is a pun, for Noah and the Hebrew words for “relief,” “comfort,” or “rest” are very similar. Noah was the tenth generation from Adam. Ten is the biblical number of trial and human responsibility (i.e., Ten Words/Commandments, Ex. 20:1–17). See also Dan. 1:12; Rev. 2:10. There are ten more generations between Noah and Abraham. Notice the meaning of nine of these names of the men of the line of Seth: “man,” “appointed,” “mortality,” “lament of death,” “splendor of God,” “descends,” “his death will bring,” “powerful-overcoming,” “rest and comfort.” When the meanings of these nine names are joined together, we find an obvious theme hidden in the genealogy of Adam: “Man is appointed to mortality and the lament of death, but the splendor of God (Jesus Christ) will descend, and his death will bring the powerful overthrow of death and sin to bring to us rest and comfort.” saying, “He will relieve us from our hard work and painful toil, and from the ground that Yahweh cursed.” 30Lamech lived an additional five hundred and ninety-five years after Noah was born and had many other sons and daughters. 31The life span of Lamech was seven hundred and seventy-seven years, and then he died.
32After Noah had lived five hundred years, he fathered Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

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