Ezekiel 37

The Valley of Dry Bones
1 # 37:1 Ezekiel 37 constitutes panel E1 in the chiastic structure of the book. It deals with the allegorical vision of a valley of dry bones, with the theme of new life and the promise of covenant renewal. This chapter serves as a contrasting parallel with chs. 18–19 (panel E), which deal with the covenant curse against Israel and the divine exhortation to new life and heart renewal. Yahweh’s powerful presence was upon me, # 37:1 Or “the [mighty] hand of Yahweh was upon me.” and his Spirit lifted me up and carried me away. He set me down in the middle of a valley # 37:1 See Ezek. 3:22–23; 8:4. This was the valley where Ezekiel saw the glory of Yahweh. It was the Valley of Vision. See Isa. 22:1. floor that was covered with countless bones. # 37:1 This section of the book of Ezekiel focuses on the restoration of Israel. The valley of dry bones was likely an ecstatic vision that showed the prophet the utter devastation of Israel. The nation was lifeless, dead as dry bones. Nevertheless, God’s promise is that he will revive his people and bring them back to life. The Hebrew word ‘asamot, meaning “bones,” is derived from the verb ‘asam, a word that means “to be strong, mighty, and great.” So, bones are something that can be made strong again with God’s breath. Your dry bones speak of hope, not defeat. The “skeletons in your closet” that bring you shame God sees as the beginning of a new life that he will build within you. 2He made me walk all around the valley among all the vast piles of bones. There in the valley there were very many, very dry bones. # 37:2 The “very dry” bones meant that the people had been dead for a long time.
3Yahweh asked me, “Son of man, can these bones come back to life again?”
And I replied, “Lord Yahweh, you are the only one who knows.”
4Then he said to me, “Prophesy over these dry bones these words, ‘Dry bones, hear what Yahweh says. 5Lord Yahweh says to you: # 37:5 Prophetic Scriptures often have multiple meanings and interpretations. The Talmud teaches that these scattered bones were the bones of the young Hebrew men that King Nebuchadnezzar had executed. Apparently, the Jewish young men taken into captivity were so handsome that the Babylonian women were falling head over heels for them. So, Nebuchadnezzar had them executed, their bodies mutilated, and their bones scattered. The Talmud also teaches that this was not only a vision but reality as well. God instructed Ezekiel to speak to these dry bones and they would come together and live again. Not only was this a prophetic sign, but, according to Talmudic literature, it actually took place as these now resurrected men went on to marry and live out a full life. See Sanhedrin 92b.
“ ‘I am now going to breathe into you,
and you will live again!
6I will attach muscles and sinews to you.
I will make flesh grow on you.
I will cover you with skin.
I am going to breathe into you,
and you will live again.
And you will know that I am Yahweh.’ ”
The Bones Come Together
7So I prophesied as I had been told. And as I was prophesying, I began to hear a commotion. Behold! It was the clattering # 37:7 Or “earthquake.” of these many skeletons coming together, bone to bone! 8And as I kept watching, muscles and sinews miraculously appeared! Flesh grew on the bones, and then skin wrapped completely around them, yet there was still no life-breath # 37:8 Or “spirit,” “wind,” or “breath of life.” in them.
9Then Yahweh said to me, “Prophesy to the breath. Yes, prophesy, son of man. Say to the breath, ‘Lord Yahweh says: Divine breath, come now from the four winds. Breathe on these lifeless bodies, so that they can live again.’ ”
10So I prophesied as he had told me, and the breath entered their bodies. They came alive, # 37:10 See Isa. 26:19; Hos. 6:2; 13:14. The Valley of Death became the Valley of Life. got up from the ground, and stood to their feet—a very great, immense army.
11Then he said to me, “Son of man, these bones represent the entire house of Israel. # 37:11 Although the direct fulfillment of this prophecy involves the regathered nation of Israel, believers today can find in this prophecy a promise for us as well (see Gal. 6:16). We may be disjointed and unconnected in differing ministries, yet God’s plan is to unite us under our Prince (see Ezek. 37:25; John 17:21). The dry bones will rise again as a mighty end-time army (see Joel 2:1–11). Every joint will supply a resource for the body of Christ as we move into maturity. See Eph. 4:11–16. They keep saying, ‘We are as dry as these dead bones. Our nation has been completely destroyed, and we have lost all hope.’
12“So, prophesy to them, ‘Lord Yahweh says to you: Behold! I am now going to open your graves! # 37:12 Figuratively, the graves could represent the many nations in which the Jews had been exiled and kept from their own land. My people, I will resurrect you out of your graves and lead you home to the land of Israel. 13And when I open your graves and raise you up, then, my people, you will be convinced that I am Yahweh. 14And I will put my Holy Spirit within you, and you will live again. I will resettle you on your own soil. Then you will know that it is I, Yahweh, who spoke to you, and I do what I say. I, Lord Yahweh, have spoken.’ ”
Two Become One
15Yahweh spoke to me, saying, # 37:15 In this section of Ezekiel, God promises to reunite the Northern Kingdom of Israel with the Southern Kingdom of Israel, known as Judah. 16“Son of man, take a stick and carve on it the words, ‘For Judah and all the Israelites with him.’ # 37:16 That is, the Benjamites, who were part of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Then take another stick and carve on it the words, ‘The stick of Ephraim, # 37:16 That is, the northern tribes of Israel, also called “Joseph,” or the name of his son, “Ephraim.” Ephraim was the most powerful of the northern tribes; Judah was the leader of the southern tribes. for Joseph and all the Israelites with him.’ # 37:16 This refers to the other nine tribes that, along with Ephraim, comprised the Northern Kingdom of Israel. 17Now join them together to make a single piece of wood to become one stick in your hand. 18And when your fellow exiles ask, ‘Won’t you tell us what you mean by this?’ 19answer them, ‘Lord Yahweh says: Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph that belongs to Ephraim and those tribes loyal to him and join them to the stick of Judah. I will make two sticks into one, a single stick in my hand.’ # 37:19 This is a hint of two offices coming together in the church—the king and the priest. Caleb was from the tribe of Judah, and Joshua was from the tribe of Ephraim. Judah was the tribe that gave us the King, Jesus. Ephraim (Ephraim means “doubly fruitful”) reveals the fruitfulness of priestly ministry. Joseph was a “fruitful vine [branch]” (Gen. 49:22). Furthermore, the two kingdoms becoming one also points to the church being made up of Jews and gentiles in unity—a new humanity (see Eph. 2:11–22).
20“Now, show the people the pieces of wood you have written on, 21and tell them, ‘Lord Yahweh says this: I will gather the Israelites from the nations where they have gone. I will gather them together from everywhere and bring them to their homeland. 22And I will make them into a single nation in the mountainous land of Israel # 37:22 For over 350 years, from the end of Solomon’s reign, Israel was divided into two kingdoms, two nations. Here God promises not only to raise them from their graves and resettle them in their land but also that the divisions between the Northern and Southern Kingdoms would be removed. When God brings back the exiles to the land, they will form one nation. and give them one king to be king over them all. They will never again be divided into two nations nor split into two separate kingdoms. 23Never again will they defile themselves with their disgusting idols, their detestable things, and rebellions. I will save them from always turning back and repeating their old sins. # 37:23 As translated from a few Hebrew manuscripts. The Masoretic Text reads “I will save them from their dwelling [places] in which they have sinned.” I will cleanse and purify them. They will be my people, and I shall be their God.
24“ ‘My beloved servant David # 37:24 This cannot be understood literally, for David had died nearly four hundred years earlier. This is a prophecy of one like David, a Son of David, who would take the throne and rule over Israel and all the nations. It is clearly a Messianic prophecy of the coming of King Jesus to take David’s throne. Jesus is the Prince of Peace (see v. 25). will reign over them, and he will be one faithful shepherd for them all. They will walk in my ways, respect my laws, and practice them. 25They will live in the land that I gave to my servant Jacob, where your ancestors once lived. They and their children and grandchildren will live in it forever, and David my servant will be their prince forever. 26I will make my eternal covenant of peace with them. I will resettle them, and I will bless them # 37:26 As translated from the Aramaic Targum. and multiply them. I will establish my sanctuary among them forever. 27I will make my home above them. I will be their God, and they will be my beloved people. 28When my sanctuary is with them forever, then the nations will realize that I set Israel apart as my own.’ ” # 37:28 Or “I am the Sanctifier of Israel.”

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