Нақшаҳои хониши ройгон ва садоқатҳои марбут ба Psalm 107:6

Steadfast Love in Affliction
3 Days
Where do you run when you are in a trial or experience heartache or distress? This plan helps us to turn to the Lord first. He is ready and waiting to meet us with His steadfast love in our afflictions.
More of Him, More Like Him (Part 2)
4 Days
Imagine yourself walking hand in hand with the Lord, focusing on the salvation Jesus has purchased for you in the cross and the righteousness that you partake with Him as His child. This reading plan will help you reflect on His goodness and to desire more of Him so you can be more like Him.

I Am
5 Days
These powerful daily readings uncover key truths from the 'I Am' statements of Jesus and reveal who we are as followers of Christ. This devotional is based on I Am by Matt Fry.

Living Refreshed
5 Days
This 5-day devotional plan addresses the dryness that Christians can experience in their relationship with God and their everyday life. God does not want us to be dry but rather desires us to filled and flooded with His power and life so we can fulfill the plan He has for our lives.

Give Thanks in Everything: A 5-Day Thanksgiving Devotional
5 Days
Enjoy God’s Word through the lense of thankfulness. The devotionals in this five day reading plan all stem from commentary by Dr. Tony Evans found in the CSB Tony Evans Bible Commentary.

Jesus, Our Risen Savior: An Easter Family Devotional
5 Days
How is your family preparing for Easter? Through this short and sweet devotional (especially helpful if you’re teaching little ones with short attention spans), Scott James brings to light the many things that Christ’s life and resurrection means for us not only through the season of Lent, but all year long.

Walking With a Loved One Through Addiction
5 Days
Addiction affects one in every five people worldwide. Many of us walk alongside a loved one who struggles with addiction. How best can we help them? How do we look after ourselves along the way? Over the next five days, we’ll reflect on this journey. To help us, we’ll explore the journey of God’s people through the wilderness – from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the promised land.

God's Joy With Us!
5 Days
Join authors Chris Coursey and Marcus Warner on this five-day study to learn what the Bible says about joy and how to apply it to you life. Using theology, the latest in brain science, and exercises to help you apply principles to your life, this study will help you make joy a cornerstone of your daily life.

Uncommon Gratitude: Cultivating a Heart of Thanks
5 Days
Do you want to experience and enjoy vibrant life-giving gratitude no matter what circumstances or to-do lists fill your day? This 5-day plan from Bible Teacher Jen Weaver empowers you to notice, appreciate, and experience often overlooked blessings with uncommon joy. No added stress; just simple perspective shifts to unlock the incredible power of gratitude and live more aware of God’s personal care for you.

Thanksgiving Through Psalms 107
5 Days
Gratitude is a powerful force that can help us find joy and contentment in even the most difficult of circumstances. It's important to remember that we have much to be thankful for and that we are never alone in our struggles. So let's cultivate a spirit of gratitude and give thanks for all that we have, both big and small.

Different Life: 9th & 10th Commandments
5 Days
Christians are different. They can’t help it. When you’re born again and filled with the Spirit, it changes you. This leads to different values about right and wrong, and a different lifestyle to match it. This 5-day plan uses the 10 Commandments (following the classic Augustinian ordering) as a vehicle for an alternative, Christ-like morality and Jesus-way of living.

Praying Through Infertility: You Are Not Alone
5 Days
For a long time, my wife and I dealt with our infertility in private. Only when we began to speak publicly about our ordeal did we realize that infertility affects far more couples than we knew. You are surrounded by fellow Christians who know what you’re going through, and never separated from the God who is alongside you through every difficult day. He is with us. We are with you.

Content With Discontent: Killing Comparison With Gratitude
5 Days
Why is contentment so challenging to achieve? And why is comparison so hard to overcome? Over these next few days, join author Bridgette Tomlin as she breaks down what Scripture actually defines as the sin of discontentment. Be challenged through God's Word to kick comparison & discontentment to the curb with intentional gratitude.

Fully Alive
6 Days
There’s a path that looks right, but in the end, leads to death. Have you ever thought, "How did I end up here? This isn't the life I dreamed of!" Maybe it's time to get off your well-worn path and let God establish a new way forward. Journey with Andrew Palau through six video stories. Find the one your soul longs for and the path of life—Jesus.

Meeting God in the Psalms
6 Days
In these sessions, we’re going to bring our whole selves to God through the Psalms. Experience his presence through a psalm of wisdom, of trust, of lament, of thanksgiving, and of praise. In the “Draw Near” sections, I will give you fuller ways to enter these psalms. Through it all, you’ll discover how to love God more fully. And you’ll experience how near he truly is.

7 Days
The world is facing a global refugee crisis. No country is left untouched. Heated public debate makes it difficult to know how to respond to this challenge. Some voices paint refugees as a threat to national security. Others feel they are a heavy economic and social burden. Still others emphasize our humanitarian mandate to assist refugees. This seven-day reading plan offers important biblical perspective on refugees and forced displacement.

7 Days
Trust is the most valuable commodity of the human heart. Without trust, there can’t be love. Without trust, there can’t be faith. Without trust, our lives will be marked by our own strength, rather than God’s presence and power. In this 7-day plan, you’ll discover God’s faithfulness, and be equipped to place your trust in God, that your life would be filled with his goodness.

A Desert Transformed
7 days
At times areas of our lives are like a wilderness: grief, loss of hope, rejection all play their part. But during these times, God loves to come alongside with His deep compassion and love. The Bible is full of stories of how God brought wonderful transformation in people’s lives. Father God can do the same today, to bring joy to your wilderness and transform your desert into a living stream.

Isaiah's Legacy
7 Days
Mesu Andrews, best-selling author of Isaiah’s Legacy, joins Bible teacher Shawna Duvall to explore the life of Manasseh. When Manasseh was taken captive by the Assyrians, he turned to Yahweh and ran into His open arms of redemption. Through Manasseh’s journey, we’ll discover Who Yahweh is and the crimson thread connecting Manasseh to Jesus. By exploring the chains binding Judah’s most notorious king, we’ll learn to live in unchained freedom.

Cry Out
7 Days
God wants to heal and rescue us. His great love has the power to pull us from where we are and place us on the path of promise. In this 7-day devotional, we will look at groups of hurting people that God saves, redeems, and blesses. God's transforming love is as available today as it was centuries ago. He is simply waiting for us to cry out to him.

Boundless Gratitude
7 Days
For most of us, the past several months have been onerous. Discovering the silver lining in the clouds has been a challenge, even for those with sunny dispositions. If you are struggling with thankfulness from the heart, this seven-day plan will help move you in the right direction as we look at seven reasons the Psalmist gives us to be thankful.

Atmosphere: Waiting (Vol. 1) | an Instrumental Devotional
7 Days
Follow along as worship pastors from Gateway Church share truths and inspiration accompanying Gateway Worship's new instrumental album, Atmosphere: Waiting (Vol. 1). We pray that as you read these stories and hear these songs, you will be encouraged to dive deeper into your own walk with the Lord! Stream the album at gatewaypeople.com/atmosphere.

Amplify in the Dawn - Living the Lord's Prayer
7 Days
Amplify in the Dawn with Craig Smith leads you into the strength, wisdom, and spiritual adventure of living the Lord's Prayer in our daily lives.

God’s Healing for Your Difficult Childhood by Ike Miller
7 Days
The pain we experienced in childhood doesn’t die because we buried it. Instead, it begins to operate below the surface of our lives with disastrous effects. But what if God wants to redeem that pain? What if God is waiting on you to have the courage to face it? In this 7-day plan, we’ll talk about the pain you carry, and the plan God has for healing it!

More of You- 7 Day Fasting Guide to Empty Ourselves and Be Filled With God's Presence
7 Days
This relatable 7 Day Fasting Guide is designed to help families, churches + individuals learn to seek the fullness of God in their lives. Why do we fast? What is the purpose? Where do I start and how can I get my family or friends involved? These are common questions + we hope to bring clarity to the heart, intention, and practical experience of biblical fasting. We want MORE of You God.