Нақшаҳои хониши ройгон ва садоқатҳои марбут ба Deuteronomy 24:19

Generosity: The Generous Creator's Abundant World
5 Days
To be generous is to give freely to others. By living generously, we can be conduits of God’s blessings, sharing what’s been given to us with those in need. In this 5-day plan, you’ll discover what the Bible says about our generous Creator and how you can live generously for him.

Ruth- Refugee Set Free
6 Days
The story of Ruth and her mother-in-law, Naomi, is one of love, hope and redemption. Through a series of challenging circumstances, these women found the need to relocate to a faraway land. This story is one repeating itself throughout the world today. Whether we are the ones on the move or those welcoming new neighbors, how will we allow God’s providence to work in our lives and those around us?

The Gift of the Outsider: 6 Days of Faith From the Margins
6 Days
The Bible speaks to the unique contributions of outsiders to God’s kingdom and of God’s special care for outcasts. Whether you’ve always been an outsider, are looking to become one, or just want to better love the ones in your midst, this plan will help you explore the ways that the gifts of the outsider benefit us all, leading us into greater unity and a stronger faith in Christ.

Seeking Refuge: God's Heart For Refugees
7 Days
The Bible speaks repeatedly to God’s heart for those who are refugees—individuals who have been forced by persecution to flee their country of origin and take up residence in a new land. This reading plan is adapted from Seeking Refuge: On the Shores of the Global Refugee Crisis.

Practicing The King's Economy
7 Days
God cares deeply for the poor. How do we join God in loving others through the ways we earn, invest, spend, save, and share money? This week-long devotional offers an introduction to what it means to cultivate community, celebrate feasting, and live out a King Jesus Economy in our homes, neighborhoods, and churches.

God's Heart for Justice
7 Days
Our God is a God of justice! From the beginning to the end of the biblical story, God desires that all people will know him, and that humans would serve, not oppress; share, rather than hoard; and empower, rather than demean. This 7-day study takes you on a brief journey through both the Old and New Testament, and shares important examples from Christian history.