Нақшаҳои хониши ройгон ва садоқатҳои марбут ба Daniel 1:12

Faith, Courage and Determination
3 Days
Courage, faith and determination are qualities most of us want to grow in, but how can we do that? With this 3-day devotional by Tammy Hotsenpiller, you’ll learn about three giants of the faith who excelled in these areas as the Holy Spirit led them to stand up for God during their day and age.

Daniel and the Ministry of 10X Excellence
4 days
Are you working in a company or industry that is agnostic or even antagonistic to the things of the Lord? The book of Daniel reminds us that God can use our position in powerful ways for His glory. In this four-day plan, we will study how Daniel leveraged his long career as a public servant to glorify God through his exceptional work.

Woke: Living for an Audience of One in a Cancel Culture
4 Days
Cancel culture is an imposing force that threatens to silence or "cancel" those who hold convictions that differ from mainstream thinking. While it has become trendy in recent years, the bible is clear that there is nothing new under the sun. Join MCWEN Founder Andrena Sawyer for this 4-day devotional that encourages believers to stand firm in their beliefs and convictions regardless of what the world says is trendy.

Tithes and Tithing: Every Verse in the Bible About Tithing
4 Days
As long as I have been a Christian, I've heard people arguing and debating about tithing. Some say Tithing was only an Old Testament Law that doesn’t need to be followed as believers under the New Covenant, while some say that tithing is just as relevant to New Testament Christians. In this plan, we will go directly to the source to see everything the Bible says about tithing.

Working in Exile
4 Days
The days in which “Christian values” were largely embraced in business and culture are long gone. Our sense of “exile” feels increasingly acute. How are you as a Christian professional supposed to respond to that sobering reality? In this reading plan, we’ll answer that question together as we explore four biblical principles for working in exile.

Undefeated: The Victorious Prayer Life
4 Days
We face spiritual battles daily, and the way to face them and fight them is on our knees in prayer! Let's look into various instances in Scripture where prayer was done to respond to challenges people were facing. When battles come, we strengthen ourselves through prayer, crying out to Him who provides relief, refuge, and victory.

Faith Under Fire
4 Days
You may be facing some fierce temptations today. But whatever the world threatens to do to you, remember the character of the God who knows your heart and stands by your side.

The Hollywood Commandments By DeVon Franklin
5 Days
This reading plan includes five daily devotions based on DeVon Franklin’s book, The Hollywood Commandments: A Spiritual Guide to Secular Success . In this study, the prominent Hollywood producer and spiritual success coach reveals life-changing lessons picked up from his twenty-year career in the entertainment business. These lessons are designed to help you achieve an amazing life and thriving career that glorifies God.

Facing Opposition At Work
5 Days
Christians in the workplace face many trials that threaten to destroy careers and test faith. The book of Daniel teaches us how to face trials with the power of God and maintain strong Christian ethics. This plan contains spiritual insights that will help you succeed, even in a hostile work environment.

The Daniel Difference
5 Days
The Daniel Difference challenges readers to be a pray-er in the midst of their busy and distracted life. Key Scripture passages from the book of Daniel model the determination and devotion seen in Daniel's life. May this biblical wisdom inspire each reader to make a decision to schedule prayer and grow in obedience to God.

5 Things You Can Count on From God
5 Days
When you’re reeling from hard things that have happened, or you’re just stuck in the spiritual doldrums, it’s easy sometimes to wonder: can I count on God? Will He be there the next time I need Him? Is He paying attention? These five devotionals are proof from the Bible that you can count on God – every day, and in every way.

Daniel: Faith in the Face of Challenges
5 Days
This video plan takes a look at the life of Daniel. He is an excellent example of how to stay true to your convictions and your faith even in difficult situations.

You Can Know God
5 Days
Most of us want to know God in a deeper way—to feel His presence, hear His voice and access His power every day. The good news is: He wants that too! He wants to be closer to you, and have a warm, powerful relationship with you. Let these five lessons help you to develop a sweet, satisfying relationship with your Heavenly Father closer than you ever imagined.

Working with Eternity in Mind
5 Days
What does it look like to live faithfully for God in the workplace? For the next five days, let the book of Daniel guide you into seeing the workplace through an eternal lens.

Work Through the Whole Bible, Part 6
5 Days
Do you wonder if God has anything to say about your work? Explore key verses from each chapter of the Bible that offer wisdom, guidance, and purpose for everyday work. Part 6: Isaiah-Daniel

Integral D-Tox, Prepared for Him
5 Days
We long for the Second Coming of Christ! The Scriptures tell us about the Church as a bride expecting the arrival of her Bridegroom, focused on His coming. A bride prepares for the great day of her wedding. In this plan, we will see how to prepare to be the delight of the Beloved, taking time to decontaminate and detoxify ourselves from what takes us away from Him.

Authentic Kingdom Culture: Power!
5 Days
As kingdom people what is our relationship to power? What kind of power do we have and what do we use it for? This plan explores a kingdom perspective of power versus an earthly perspective of power as demonstrated in the biblical account of Daniel.

Stressed, Depressed, Hot Mess
5 Days
As a pastor, I was ashamed I had anxiety and depression. Too many told me it was a faith issue, a sin issue, or both. In the end, I realized it was much bigger than that. Moreover, I came to understand that Jesus didn’t want to condemn me; He wanted to help me. I hope you enjoy this 5-day devotional called “Stressed, Depressed, Hot Mess!”

Living for God in a Godless Society Part 1
5 Days
How do we live as Christ-followers in a world that seems to be spinning out of control? The spiritual resolve of Daniel and his three friends sets an example for us of courage, confidence, and hope for God’s people then and now. Learn from Daniel how to live a life that glorifies and serves God with integrity and spiritual power in a godless society

Blocking Deception
5 Days
If you’re tired of being attacked by the enemy, then you need to know how to block his deceptions. But how? In this 5-day devotional with John Ramirez, you’ll learn the key principles and practical tips on how to stay rooted in the goodness of God no matter what comes your way.

How to Fast the Biblical Way
5 Days
Have you been considering a fast? Let’s look at some examples of fasting in Scripture, the reasons for fasting, and the different types of fasts, along with how to fast and how not to fast. This plan shares some important information about fasting from a biblical perspective, not a worldly one. Be sure to be praying about if this is something God is calling you to do.

YASociety - the Book of Daniel
5 Days
In a world that demands our attention from every angle, we must stand firm in our Faith in God. Join our YASociety community on a 5-day reading plan and learn some valuable lessons from 'The Book of Daniel.'

Daniel: A Strong Man Is Faithful
5 Days
What does it look like to remain faithful to God in a difficult environment? Daniel’s story begins when he is taken into captivity as a teenager. He became a refugee in Babylonia under King Nebuchadnezzar, who led the greatest superpower nation that had ever existed. Daniel’s life under Nebuchadnezzar teaches us how to remain faithful in the hardest situations and find joy even in suffering.

Amazing Stories - God’s Provision
5 Days
Amazing Stories is a series of animated videos featuring Bible stories that share God’s redemptive narrative across all Scripture. A short, animated video about God's faithful provision tells an Old Testament story for each day of the five-part plan.

Strong Under Pressure: Wisdom From the Book of Daniel
5 Days
How do you hold on to your faith when the world pulls you in different directions? What if your beliefs don’t align with those of culture? In this 5-day Bible Plan, we’ll explore the Book of Daniel and discover how to build the kind of faith that can face anything.