Нақшаҳои хониши ройгон ва садоқатҳои марбут ба 2 Samuel 22:4

Mobilize A Prayer Movement
5 Days
The Bible says when two or more gather, God is in their midst. But as greater numbers gather, movements develop, and a prayer movement can change the world. It starts with just one person - could that be you? Each of these five devos contain a short audio message (1-2 minutes). The guests share about seeing God’s redemptive plan at work - with dramatic results.

Living for God in a Godless Society Part 4
5 Days
How do we live as Christ-followers in a world that seems to be spinning out of control? The spiritual resolve of Daniel and his three friends sets an example for us of courage, confidence, and hope for God’s people then and now. Learn from Daniel how to live a life that glorifies and serves God with integrity and spiritual power in a godless society.

Raw Prayers: Praying Through Our Fears
5 Days
Life is not easy, and along with the hard days come many negative emotions. Generally, we deal with them by venting, stewing, or hiding. Did you know that many of the Psalms are prayers born out of these strong emotions? These reading plans will explore the raw and honest prayers of fear, pain, guilt, and doubt found in the Psalms, teaching us how to share these feelings with the Lord.

Trusting God When Life Is Hard
5 Days
Trusting God is easy when times are good when we’re healthy and happy, prosperous, and protected. But how do we rest in his sovereignty when we don’t understand his plan? This five-day devotional by Ernest Easley looks to Paul and David—men who had their share of trials—to learn more about how to rest in God’s sovereignty.

God's Promises in Painful Times
5 Days
Too often, we turn to things of this world to take away our pain – things that leave us unsatisfied and hurt. But God promises to be an ever-present comforter in our hardest times. In this 5-day Bible Reading Plan, you’ll discover the promises of God in the Bible that can comfort and encourage you when you’re experiencing pain and help you move forward when hurt has you paralyzed.

When Pigs Fly
6 Days
Are you searching for hope? Do you believe in miracles? Maybe when pigs fly? Take a leap of faith and start this Life.Church Bible Plan to accompany Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, When Pigs Fly.

The Power Of Prayer - The Prophetic Gallery Series
6 Days
There is power in prayer. Let me repeat that – THERE IS POWER IN PRAYER. Specifically, the prayers of God’s children. Do you believe God hears your prayers? Do you believe that your prayers carry power? Plan Five of Revelation illustrates how our prayers impact not only our lives personally, but they release the power of God to move in ways that we could not even think or imagine.

God’s Promises for Families of Drug Addicts and Alcoholics
7 Days
When you love someone addicted to drugs or alcohol, you feel all alone, you blame yourself, and you lose all hope. It is easy to get trapped in the storm and forget about the promises of God. This reading plan will help guide you through God’s promises for you and your loved one as you navigate this storm called addiction.

Who Is....JESUS 2
7 Days
WHO IS JESUS TO YOU? Part 2 Is a journey into JESUS. A daily walk through scriptures that reveal who Jesus is, followed by reflection articulating if you have experienced this expression of Jesus yourself. Personal discovery challenges you to search deep within to see what you have really believed and experienced. Make this an adventure to discover hidden treasure from a rich and endless source –Jesus!

Triumph & Turmoil
7 Days
In this seven-day devotional for men, we walk through the book of 2nd Samuel, looking at the life of King David, the "man after God's own heart." We examine his victories and failures and learn what it means to be a man like him. Written by J.R. Hudberg.

Above the Net - Tennis Tips for Life
8 Days
Above the Net - Tennis Tips for Life, offers 8 days of inspiration for tennis players and enthusiasts. Many lessons learned in the great game of tennis can help draw you closer to God, discern the voice of the Holy Spirit, and walk closer with Jesus. Exploring, and putting into practice, a few key fundamentals found in this plan can help you stay strong both on and off the court.

The Gratitude Shift - Embracing Six Gifts You Already Have
8 Days
Gratitude is the beginning of contentment and a barrier to envy. "The Gratitude Shift - Embracing Six Gifts You Already Have" takes us on a journey of reflection, leading to a fresh new perspective to build gratitude in our hearts. This uplifting devotional encourages consistent gratitude expression to God and will help to cultivate a thankful heart for some remarkable gifts He has already given all of us.

Unification: A Study in 2 Samuel
21 Days
2 Samuel depicts the ascension and reign of King David following the death of Saul and Jonathan. David united the kingdom, established Jerusalem as the capital city, and extended the territory of Israel. At the crescendo of the book, God promises David that "your throne shall be established forever" (2 Samuel 7:16). Despite David's wickedness, God ultimately fulfills his promises to David through the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Influence of God's Glory
24 Days
By the end of this study, we pray that you will know God’s voice better, that you will know when and how he speaks, and feel compelled to obey. As we study Scripture, we will discover that God’s plan cannot be thwarted regardless of who is in power. The point of the original monarchy found in 1 and 2 Samuel, illustrates that from the beginning.

The Life of David Pt2 - 2 Samuel
30 Days
Books 1 & 2 Samuel tell the stories of three heroes God used to establish a kingdom for His people: Samuel, the revered last judge; Saul, the impressive first king of Israel; and David, the flawed poet-warrior. Beyond the page-turning adventures, battles, and political gamesmanship lies the story of a greater King—the true and forever reigning son of David, Jesus. Join us as we start these stories.

Daily Bible Reading — Sustained by God’s Word of Promise
31 Days
Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with the Bible. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage and key verse for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, a prayer and prayer concern to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme “Sustained by God’s Word of Promise.”

The Good Shepherd: Devotions Inspired by Psalm 23
31 Days
Jesus is the Good Shepherd who provides everything we need. This 31-day devotional is centered on a passage of Scripture that has been a source of strength, peace, and comfort throughout the generations: Psalm 23. On each day of the journey through this beloved psalm, you’ll have an opportunity to reflect on the many ways Jesus shows us His love and goodness in our lives.