Нақшаҳои хониши ройгон ва садоқатҳои марбут ба 2 Chronicles 36:21

Pursuing God's Rest
4 Days
In the world, we live in today, “rest” seems like a foreign word to many of us. We all have so much to deal with, and without proper rest, the door is open for stress to plant its ugly feet and wreak havoc in our lives. But the good news is, God designed rest and it's only in pursuing his presence that true rest can be found.

Care for Creation as Evangelization and Worship
8 Days
As Christians, there are 2 big “E's”: Evangelism and the Environment. Sadly, many people are driven away from Christianity when people of faith deny the importance of caring for our Earth. This eight-day Bible study based on the film Cowboy & Preacher will help us to grow closer to God, our Creator, by reflecting on what it means to be stewards of His creation.

Living As If God Exists (Because He Does)
10 Days
The world tells tales that deny God. We believe many of them. The Bible tells a different story, but to understand that story we have to live it. Inspired by D. L Moody Center’s Go Dark, Shine Bright campaign, this 10-day Bible Plan challenges you to set aside stories that keep the Lord at arm’s length by engaging in practices that will ground your life in God’s story.

Seek Your City's Good
11 Days
As Christians, we are not at home in this world. Instead, “our citizenship is in heaven” (Philippians 3:20). We are exiles and strangers here. What does this mean for our daily lives? How are we to act in the city and nation we are living in? This reading plan helps you find out.

BEMA Liturgy I — Part A
13 Days
From the creators of the BEMA Podcast, BEMA Liturgy is here to help you slow down, form groups around Scripture, and live out the life that Jesus has called us to. We encourage you to find a group that can be a part of this journey with you as you study, pray, and worship.

From Broken to Restored: The Book of Nehemiah
14 Days
Whatever God is working on in and through us, He is always faithful to finish. From Broken to Restored is a Bible study on the Book of Nehemiah, focusing on how to respond when we see God move mightily in our lives.

Pray and Work, the Inspiring Example of Nehemiah
16 Days
Sometimes we face difficult, seemingly hopeless situations. How can we deal with them? Take an example from Nehemiah, who changed his people's situation for the better through prayer and work. Both were necessary, and they still are!

Under Construction: Lessons From the Book of Haggai
18 Days
The book of Haggai is certainly not the best-known book of the Bible. It only has two chapters and is about rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem, which is not a major topic of interest for present-day Christians. But when we read carefully and attentively, this book contains valuable lessons for believers from all centuries and from all over the planet.

Understanding the Kingdom of God
21 Days
Embark on a 21-day journey through the Bible to uncover the glorious story of the coming of God's Kingdom. Since the beginning, God revealed Himself as the Ruler over all Creation. He chose to extend His good reign to all who follow His voice. Come and see how you can also be part of this story.

Love God Greatly: To Do Justice, To Love Kindness, To Walk Humbly
26 Days
We are surrounded by injustice and pain. We see it not only in our world but also in our own lives and it can be disheartening and overwhelming. But we are not without hope. This is what Micah is all about. He is not afraid to get in our face about some hard topics like sin and judgement.

Year of the Bible: Part Six of Twelve
30 Days
This twelve-part plan can be read alone, with a group, or with your family! This month, you will read about major events in 1&2 Kings, 1&2 Chronicles, Nehemiah and Ester, learning new parts of the unified story that leads to Jesus. Let's dive into part six of twelve!

Reading the Bible in Historical Sequence Part 8
31 days
In the beginning was the Word … but what came next? This plan is for anyone who wants a better understanding of the Bible. It provides a chronological reading program that endeavors to place all biblical passages in their date order. Part Eight of this twelve-part one-year reading plan is titled ‘A Destroyer Carries Judah into Exile: 629 BC–587 BC’.

The People of God: The Story of the Church
31 Days
What is the story of the church? This plan is a month-long journey through the Bible, looking at how God uses people, situations, and symbols to bring about communion between God and humanity once again. It follows the story of Israel and then the early church, highlighting the church's hope for resurrection and new creation and our role as agents of that new creation.