Living in Increase (Part 9) - Increase in Healthనమూనా

Find Your People
Finding your people can be intimidating when you are new or don’t have an outgoing personality. When I first started attending my church, I was nervous but excited to find where I fit. I quickly realized that finding where I fit began with getting to know people. Getting to know people was and still is hard for me to do, but I knew I had to do something! I didn’t join a small group immediately but signed up to serve in two areas. I signed up for worship arts and kids ministry. Sure, it was scary initially, but I had so much fun with the people I served with. They had a chance to get to know me, and I got to know them. During a worship arts rehearsal, I met one of my favorite friends. She started leading a small group, and I joined. I met more women I can call friends today, and that was ten years ago! They are my people.
We can’t stir one another up to love and good works if we don’t have other people in our lives. We can’t meet together if there is only one of us (as is the habit of some). And we can’t be encouraged or encourage others if we don’t put ourselves out there.
Lord, thank you for your love and your Word. We know You created us to be around others like us for encouragement, accountability, and fellowship. I pray that every person reading this devotional today will find their people, whether in a small group, serving alongside others, or in another capacity. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Monica Barnes
Action Step: Find your people! Join a small group, volunteer team, or class where you can meet good, godly people.
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Are you ready to increase your health in every area of your life? Join us for this 35-day study as a part of our 365-day “Living in Increase” plan to experience the fulfilled and abundant life God always intended for you.