Miracle Working Powerనమూనా

Miracle Working Power

5 యొక్క 1

Unleashing God’s Miracle Power

Friend, have you ever felt like you needed more power to live out your faith?

Today I will tell you about some Amazing Power that is Dunamis Power. The word "Dunamis" in Greek refers to God’s Supernatural, Miracle-Working Power. This is the same Power Jesus promised His disciples in Acts 1:8, “But you will receive the power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.” This Power isn’t just for the extraordinary—it’s for every believer to live a life full of God’s Strength and Purpose.

I remember a time when I felt spiritually drained and overwhelmed by life’s pressures. It seemed like no matter how much I prayed, nothing was changing. One day, as I was praying, I sensed God reminding me of this verse from Acts 1:8. It was as though He was saying, “You already have My Power within you, now walk in it.” That simple reminder changed everything. I began to pray not from a place of defeat but from a place of Power, and soon I saw breakthroughs in areas I had been struggling with for years.

Dunamis Power enables us to overcome obstacles, perform miracles, and live boldly for God. It’s not limited to the past; this Power is available to us today, empowering us to be witnesses of God’s Love and Might in the world.


"Father, I ask for Your Dunamis Power to fill me today. Empower me to live boldly for You, overcome every obstacle, and let Your Miraculous Power work through me for Your Glory. Amen."

Friend, are you ready to receive the Dunamis Power of God in your life? He is waiting to fill you.

You are a miracle!

Day 2