Slowing Down: Discovering the Why Behind Our Hurryనమూనా

Slowing Down: Discovering the Why Behind Our Hurry

DAY 3 OF 5

Yesterday, we wrestled with how fear, specifically our fear of missing out, plays a significant role in the why behind the hurry sickness that is so prevalent in the cultural moment we find ourselves in. In order to make progress in this area, we need to accept that in our 24/7 modern digital world, we will miss out. There is simply no way of avoiding it. In order to slow down, we need to ask ourselves, "what are we willing to miss out on?"

Today, we will consider a second reason why we suffer from hurry sickness: Pride.

Again and again, the Book of Proverbs warns us of the destruction that comes if pride is allowed to grow in our hearts. Proverbs 11:2 reminds us, "When pride comes, then comes disgrace; but wisdom is with the humble." And Proverbs 29:23 says "A person's pride will bring humiliation, but one who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor."

Pride that leads to a life of hurry grows ever so subtly below the surface of our lives. However, there are warning signs that can help us to know when we have fallen into the trap of hurry. Here are two:

#1 - Focus on the destination, not the journey: Pride tells us that where we are going, the future moment we are in a hurry to get to, is in our control and that we will always arrive safely. However, the truth is that we are not promised life and breathe beyond the moment we are experiencing right now. God is far more interested in the person you and I are becoming than any future destination that our mind has become fixated on that we are sure will make us happy.

# 2 - Focus on the result, not the timing: Hurry causes us to run ahead of Jesus on the path of life. We get frustrated and impatient with what we perceive to be His slow pace. When pride gives birth to a life of hurry, our calendars begin to overflow with lots of doing for God, leaving little margin for being with God. The Lord is calling each of us out of a life of hurry and into an interactive, intimate relationship with Him.

Hurry doesn't have to be the defining characteristic of our lives. We can take practical steps to allow God to slow us down so that we might walk with Him at His pace. Today, consider taking a step to identify and remove multi-tasking from your daily life. Why? Multi-tasking is the great enemy of our day, standing in direct opposition to any attempt we might make to be fully present in the moment. Present to God. Present to others. And even present to the condition of our own souls.

Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Slowing Down: Discovering the Why Behind Our Hurry

There is a sickness in our culture today that is having a devasting effect on our souls. It goes by the name Hurry. In this reading plan, we will explore several practical steps we can take today in order to slow down our pace of life. However, we miss the mark if we only focus on the practical without considering the why behind our hurried existence.
