Even Now: Trusting God in the Struggleనమూనా

Even Now: Trusting God in the Struggle

4 యొక్క 1

Life seems random sometimes, but it’s not. Even now, God is in control, and He has a Plan for your life.

Regardless of the circumstances of your birth or how you feel about the way you turned out, God was the One who decided you should be born. He knit you together in your mother’s womb. You are exactly who He designed you to be, and because you were made in His Image, your very existence honors Him.

Your life may not have begun or gone exactly the way you wished so far, but that doesn’t mean God has forgotten you or that He isn’t as Big and Powerful as people say. God knows everything about you and cares about everything that happens to you, and nothing comes into your life unless He allows it.

Because we don’t share His Divine Perspective or Purpose, we get confused when what we consider to be “bad” things happen, but our confusion doesn’t disprove God’s Sovereignty, Wisdom, Power, Goodness, Grace, Mercy, or Kindness. Instead, it proves our need for His Divine Guidance, Protection, and Power just to make it through.

Understand, God loves you. Before you even knew He existed, He was making a way for you to know Him and become His child forever. All you have to do to become His child is acknowledge that you have sin in your life (things that don’t match God’s Will and Character), believe that Jesus is the sinless Son of God Who died so you could be forgiven for that sin, and surrender control of your life to Him in response to that belief. Once you give your life to Jesus, no one can snatch you out of God’s Hand. You are His forever, just like He planned.

As you read today’s passages, consider how God was providing for, protecting, and preparing Joseph even before he was aware of God’s Plan for his life. Joseph may not have chosen his circumstances, but, like you, he got to choose whether or not to trust God in those circumstances.


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Even Now: Trusting God in the Struggle

Life is hard, but events like war, famine, and pandemics are extra scary. It may seem like no one is strong, but God is always willing and able to take care of those who come to Him. In this Study, you'll read about Joseph, a man who faced such challenges and made mistakes, but learned to run to God and found Peace. You’re never alone.
