Be Very Afraid? నమూనా

Be Very Afraid?

DAY 1 OF 5

By Dave Adamson

There’s a story in the Bible about a time when fear stopped a whole nation from claiming the promise God had for them. It happened when the Israelites were getting ready to go into the Promised Land, and the only thing stopping them was the flooded Jordan River. For generations, the Israelites had been afraid of moving water—which makes sense considering they grew up hearing stories about the flood of Noah and the Red Sea almost keeping them from escaping slavery in Egypt. So when they reached the Jordan at flood level, they were scared. So God promised to part the waters, but only if they overcame their fear and stepped into the river first. They had to take a step of faith and get their feet wet in order for God to work. 

How often are we like this? We know what God wants us to do, but fear and anxiety flood in and stop us. We know things will be better on the other side, but we're afraid to step out. Maybe today you know exactly what God wants you to do in an area of your life, but you're paralyzed by fear and doubt. You want to step into the future God has planned for you, but only if he parts the waters before you have to get your feet wet. In the Bible story, it was only when the people overcame their fear and stepped into the river that God dried up the water and made their path clear. God fulfilled his promise. 

Are you prepared to take a step of faith today despite your fear? Are you willing to trust God to do something miraculous and overcome your fear of what might happen? As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase.” 

Questions for Reflection: 

· What are the areas of life you feel the most fear in trusting God? Are they relationships, finances, family, work, or other areas? 

· What can you do today to step towards trusting God in those areas? Could telling him of your fear be the best first step in faith?  


Day 2