1 Timothy: A Strong Man Is Courageousనమూనా

1 Timothy: A Strong Man Is Courageous

5 యొక్క 5


Even though we could only cover a few verses of 1 Timothy in this devotional, I urge you to immerse yourself in this book of the Bible to learn all you can from Paul’s words. This remarkable letter models everything I think men want to be as leaders, and it highlights everything we want to experience as protégés.

But all mentors know a moment eventually comes when the apprentice must take responsibility for himself. That is the spirit of the words in 1 Timothy 4:16. Paul told Timothy that it was time for him to “watch himself.” In other words, Paul would not be around to coach, train, and redirect him. So from this moment forward, Timothy needed to keep a watchful eye on the things he was hearing and learning. He needed to be attentive. And he would have to persist with it too, because all kinds of false doctrines would arise. He could not let down his guard.

Doesn’t this sound like the time we’re in today? Our enemy the devil is working overtime, prowling around “like a roaring lion,” (1 Peter 5:8) to indoctrinate us with ideas that have tiny shreds of truth bound to all kinds of lies. This is happening across the political spectrum. Many people today are being led into error because of this.

As Paul said here, we bear an individual responsibility to steward the truth. The first way we steward it is by “watching ourselves.” We must test every ideology against biblical truth. This is a spiritual leader’s work. We must get in the gym of God’s Word and train our minds daily.

At the same time, we must “persist,” meaning we must read, preach, and teach the truth, staying the course even when other ideologies gain traction. We can’t quit, because there is hope. Hope that our truthful persistence will persuade some to salvation.

So don’t quit today. You may feel alone in the battle for knowing and living the truth. But persistence with the truth may result in the salvation of someone you love. And God is at work in you, “to will and to work for his good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13). Amen!

God, may your Spirit be stronger in me than my desire to do things alone. Help me to persist in pursuing and speaking truth in love, in Your strength.

This plan is presented to you by 1 Timothy: A Strong Man is Courageous, by Vince Miller. To learn more about this book, please click here.

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1 Timothy: A Strong Man Is Courageous

Timothy was a young man known for being timid. The book of 1 Timothy is a letter from his mentor, the apostle Paul, urging Timothy to be bold in his identity in Christ. Our present time calls for men who will stand up and speak up for what they believe. This devotional urges us, in the words of Paul, to “fight the good fight of faith.”
