Made for More: Finding Greater Purpose Through Scripture's Well-Known Personalitiesనమూనా

Made for More: Finding Greater Purpose Through Scripture's Well-Known Personalities

DAY 4 OF 8

Moses didn’t start out as the man who dared Pharaoh. He didn’t emerge fully formed as the man who stretched out his staff and watched God part the Red Sea. He didn’t parachute into being the person leading the Israelites across the wilderness to the edge of the Promised Land.

Moses started out as a humble field hand. Yes, he’d been miraculously rescued as an infant and had spent much of his life in the court of royalty, but after a tragedy forced him to start over, he’d resigned himself to a quiet, nomadic life.

We can see this when God appears to Moses in the burning bush. God specifically gives Moses his mission and Moses’s response is to say, “Who am I to go do this? You’re sending ME?”

Moses was so sure he was made for less that he argued with God about it! And you know what? God relented and added Moses’s brother Aaron to the mission. Suddenly Moses felt better and stepped up into what God was calling him to.

You can be made for more and not even know it. You can argue with God and actually change his mind!

You don’t have to be perfect to accept your call for more. You just have to be willing… and you don’t even have to be willing right away! God is patient. He believes more deeply in your “more” than you do.

Talk it out with Him. Take it out on Him. Let Him guide you to your more so you can step into it and do far more than you ever imagined.


Day 3Day 5