Why Study Prophecy? A 6-Day Study by Dr. Tony Evansనమూనా

Why Study Prophecy? A 6-Day Study by Dr. Tony Evans

DAY 5 OF 6


A Perspective to Gain

Peter also had something to say about the way prophecy ought to promote holy living:

The day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up. Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God. (2 Peter 3:10–12a)

Peter said a day is coming when your house, your car, the clothes in your closet, and the money in your bank will burn. The earth as we know it is going to melt away. Since that’s true, don’t start treating that stuff as if it were eternal. Don’t fall so deeply in love with the stuff that’s going to burn that you miss out on the stuff that can’t burn. Don’t trade the things that have eternal value for the things that won’t make it to heaven.

It’s okay to have a house and car and clothes. Just don’t put a value on them they don’t have. Don’t treat them like they’re the real deal because when Jesus returns, they are going to be toast. It’s okay to use the world, but not to be dominated by a worldly perspective (see 1 Cor. 7:31). Rather, we should all live with a kingdom worldview based on God’s kingdom values.

A good understanding of prophecy can give us a reference point for living. When a farmer wants to plow a straight furrow, he picks out a marker at the other side of the field and keeps his eyes on it as he plows. You need a reference point when you’re looking into the future. If you’re just entering college and you want to be a doctor, that’s your reference point. Your goal will determine what courses you take and the path you follow. You will most certainly set your sights on medical school

The Bible says if you fix your sights and your hope on Christ’s coming, that perspective on tomorrow will influence your thoughts and choices today. Prophecy can help you stay on God’s kingdom path so that you can produce fruit for eternity

A Future to Prepare For

Paul also said he lived in light of one inescapable fact. Speaking of the judgment of believers for kingdom reward, or the lack thereof, he wrote, “We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body” (2 Cor. 5:10).

This is how I picture the judgment seat of Christ taking place. Most stores today have security cameras recording a customer’s every move. Some stores even alert people to that fact as they enter the store.

When I first saw those signs, I wondered why the stores were advertising the fact that they used security cameras. After all, the idea is to catch a thief in the act. But as I thought about it, the reason for the warning signs became clear. People who know someone is watching their every move will probably think twice before trying anything funny. But if they don’t think anyone is watching, they’ll be more likely to take a chance and steal something.

Well, our lives are being watched and recorded by God. At Christ’s judgment seat, He will sit down with us to view our lives. When you have a prophetic mindset, it will affect your preparation for eternity. Prophecy can help give us a prepared mindset. It’s important because it promotes holy living on the part of believers.

Day 4Day 6

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Why Study Prophecy? A 6-Day Study by Dr. Tony Evans

Do the prophecies in the Bible feel like a mystery? Something so confusing that they're not even worth studying? Join pastor and bestselling author Dr. Tony Evans on this six-day study where he'll help you understand why studying prophecy is important and how understanding the future can put your worries to rest and help you grow in your faith.
