Choosing Well: The Keys to Good Stewardshipనమూనా

Choosing Well: The Keys to Good Stewardship

DAY 7 OF 7

Be encouraged

In this journey, we learned about being good stewards through the choices we make. We celebrated the freedom we have to choose and how God expects us to pick life. We learned that our choices must align with God’s heart and be powered by His Spirit so that we can bring ourselves to do what is right. We should focus on what we can control and leave the rest in God’s hands. The great blessings that will come our way are not only ours to enjoy, but God is counting on us to channel them to whom He shows us. The daily act of choosing life, even in the mundane, will compound into great growth. Finally, the rewards the Lord has in store for us are dependent on the perspective we choose—eternal or temporary.

The choices we make affect the people around us. They inform our experiences and shape our character. Sometimes the far-reaching effects of our decisions do not reveal themselves until much later, and sometimes not at all.

It can be wearisome. Life is a puzzle we do not have the answer to — only God does. Our choices can affect things, but they cannot solve everything. Mysteries abound. The struggle continues, but we have been given a twinkle of hope.

Paul encourages us, affirming that the glory of eternity outweighs our momentary struggles and confusion. If we stay steadfast in God’s perspective, continue to make wise decisions, and focus on what we can steward (letting go of what we can’t), God will reward us.

If we try to figure out the world and solve all its issues, we will grow steadily weary. If we fix our eyes on Christ, we align ourselves with the deepest truth possible, and doing so actually aids our efforts to make the world a better place.

In the end, God is in control, and we are not. Submitting to this reality allows us to make the best choices possible today and every day and be content no matter the results.

Lord, thank You for showing us the secret to choosing well. Help us to never forget that the decision You are expecting from us every time is to choose You. Guide us to see that even when things get complicated or confusing, the key to untangling them is to search for You, find You, and choose You. We choose You, today and forever.

Yellow Balloons explores the far-reaching applications and impact of just one of the Servant Leadership tools: the power of perspective to transform people and organizations. The Yellow Balloons Devotionals are a daily reminder of the great opportunities of life, connecting age-old biblical truths with our modern-day lives in a way that is simple, practical, and easy to understand. If you are interested in getting a free copy of the Yellow Balloons book and additional devotional resources, visit

Day 6

About this Plan

Choosing Well: The Keys to Good Stewardship

Making good decisions is paramount in managing what the Lord has placed in our hands. He is expecting a return on His investments in our salvation and restoration. It is not advisable to present ourselves empty-handed on “that day” when we will be accountable to Him. The Yellow Balloons team gives us a new perspective on one final key to the puzzle of choosing well. What will it be?
