Hope for Your Hard Daysనమూనా

Hope for Your Hard Days

DAY 1 OF 5

God Is Sovereign

Sometimes I forget, Lord, that You are Sovereign, ruling over all and exercising Your Perfect Will.

I have learned something about God’s Nature as I’ve grown in faith: He is always working in my life as a Loving Father. I don’t always like what He allows in my life. Often, I don’t see the purpose or the Goodness. But I know He vets everything He allows, so I can accept it as His Perfect and Holy Will.

God exercises His Sovereignty not based on what makes us comfortable, but on what will edify and refine us. The account of Job gives us a clear picture of God's Sovereignty in action.

The Lord gave permission to Satan to afflict Job with many hardships (Job 1:6-12). From the death of all of his children, the destruction of his livestock, to the presence of painful boils covering his body, Job greatly suffered and didn’t know why. It seemed cruel. However, later, God allows us a glimpse of His Redemptive Purpose in the torment as Job obediently intercedes for his friends. God in His Sovereignty allowed horrible suffering to achieve His plan. Job didn’t suffer for naught. And whether we can see it or not, our suffering is never for nothing. God’s Hand is in it all.

Whatever difficult situation we face, the God of the Universe is in charge of it. Whether large issues or seemingly small ones, He knows what’s going on, and He has a plan. As the Sovereign Lord, He is allowing the hardship in this season for a reason. We may not understand, but when we accept the mystery of the Divine Supreme Being, believing He has control over all and is never caught off guard, we can choose trust over worry. We can look into our unexpected situation with expectancy for how He will use it in our lives. Remembering, He’s guiding it all.

Sometimes I forget, Lord, that You are Sovereign, ruling over all and exercising Your Perfect Will, that You have Divine Control over everything that happens. I forget that everything I face has been approved by You for a Holy and Right Purpose. My finite mind cannot always understand. Often, I only sense hardship. Comfort me, Lord, in my confusion and pain. Remind me that what looks chaotic and even scary to me is not leaving You wringing Your Hands. You are allowing me to experience this season for a reason. Help me look with expectancy for how You will use it in my life. And help me trust You when You take me down a path different from the one I would choose.

Truth Reminder: Nothing comes to me that doesn’t first go through the Lord, and all He allows and determines has a good and right purpose in the end.


Day 2

About this Plan

Hope for Your Hard Days

How do we hold on to hope when our world is falling apart? In these devotions from the book Sometimes I Forget, you’re invited to know God more intimately so you can trust Him more deeply. During the next five days, be reminded of God’s Incredible Attributes so you may find rest with the One whose very Nature promises hope!
