

DAY 3 OF 7

Day 3: You Don’t Say

“Reverent in behavior.” As we’ve just seen, this should characterize older women in the church. But what exactly does reverent behavior look like? The apostle Paul makes practical application in two specific areas: “Older women . . . are to be reverent in behavior,” he says, “not slanderers or slaves to much wine” (Titus 2:3).

Sound doctrine in a woman’s life produces reverence for God. And that reverence shows itself in a careful use of her tongue and in a temperate lifestyle.

As a clue to how serious this matter of slander should be to us, the word translated as “slanderers” in Titus 2:3—which other translations render as “malicious gossips” (nasb) or “false accusers” (kjv)—is the Greek word diabolos, from which we derive our English word diabolical.

This word—diabolos—appears thirty-eight times in the New Testament. And in all but four of those occurrences, it’s used to refer to Satan. Give that a moment to sink in. Diabolos. Slander is devilish. This connection between slander and Satan shouldn’t surprise us.

We’re exhorted to speak those things that are “good for building up . . . that it may give grace to those who hear.” So let’s clarify just what is included in slander and explore what we need to model and learn in this regard as both older and younger women growing into conformity with Christ.

1. Slander can involve giving a false report.

2. Slander can involve the spreading of harmful information.

3. Slander can involve the reporting of truth with harmful intent.

4. Slander is not the same as gossiping, but slander makes gossip easier.

As repentant people, as women who know we’ve been loose with our tongues and are serious about not inflicting verbal damage on our homes, our relationships, and the body of Christ, let’s turn to the Word for our way out.

To stop slander, we must humble ourselves. Stop speaking ill of others and speak well of them instead. Control thought patterns. Talk less. Think before we speak—in fact, don’t even listen when others are speaking slander. Doing these things will go a long way toward eliminating slander from our lives. Better yet, as women joined together in this commitment, we’ll adorn the gospel by keeping slander out of the church.

With God’s help, let’s use our tongues to build up those around us rather than tearing them down. Above all, let’s speak words that make much of Christ. Words that adorn His gospel and put His loveliness on display. Words worthy of women whose hearts have been won by His amazing grace.


Day 2Day 4

About this Plan


Known for her wisdom, warmth, and knowledge of Scripture, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth has encouraged millions through her books, radio programs, and conferences. Now she's back with a legacy work on Titus 2 and its powerful vision for women: Woman to woman. Older to younger. Day to day. Life to life. This is God's beautiful plan.
