Learning Daniel's Prayer Secretsనమూనా

Learning Daniel's Prayer Secrets

DAY 7 OF 7

Interpretation of Dreams

Both Joseph and Daniel were powerfully used by God in the kingdoms of their time, through the gift of interpreting dreams. Both had a testimony of extraordinary insight regarding the interpretation of dreams.

Daniel's first challenge was not only to interpret the king's dream, but to also know the dream. The king could not remember his own dream, only that it was important – so important that he started killing his own wise men who did not know what the dream was. (Daniel 2:13-16). The level of interpretation of dreams in which Daniel walked, was much more advanced than what we are used to in everyday Christian circles today.

Daniel was so connected to God – enveloped by His presence through long hours of prayer. Daniel, even as a young man, was a vessel through whom God knew He could do a special work.

This is the call to you and me – to avail ourselves to a life of prayer, and devotion and study of the Word, so God can use us in the same way. God does great things through those who completely entrust themselves to Him.

Sometimes we sincerely want to be used of God, but we do nothing in preparation. God can use us to the extent that we prove ourselves faithful. How can God use us for something great if we do not even apply the knowledge and experience we have right now in more simple matters, like solving problems, conflicts, difficulties?

In our day, if we live surrendered in our prayer lives like Daniel, God can use us in the same way – especially in the lives of those who do not know God yet. But then we need to know how to get those interpretations from the Lord Himself.

To follow the example of Daniel, we have to go on our knees and pray – we cannot give interpretations from our understanding.

Take time today to wait on the Lord. Ask Him what your prayer life before Him should look like – your time in worship, in the Word and in prayer. Write down what the Holy Spirit lays on your heart. Ask Him to help you build a strong, committed and established prayer life so He can use you to also minister to those around you.

Did this plan encourage and help you? What is in your heart to do from this point forward regarding your prayer life? Ask God to help you.

Father, please strengthen me with might in the inner man to become established in a lifestyle of prayer, all the days of my life. When doubts, distractions, and excuses rise in my mind, help me to stand firm and press through in a disciplined prayer life. In Jesus name, Amen.

Download the 21-Day study of the prayer life of Daniel: http://tinyurl.com/3bnc2d3m


Day 6

About this Plan

Learning Daniel's Prayer Secrets

Do you sometimes want to pray more impactful prayers? Perhaps like Bible characters who saw real breakthroughs and miracles in their lives? This 7-day plan looks at Daniel and his distinguished character, lifestyle and prayer life at the court of Babylon. God entrusted Daniel with many heavenly revelations of the end times! If you desire to live and pray like Daniel, this plan is for you!
