Pray First: Seek • Pray • Uniteనమూనా

Pray First: Seek • Pray • Unite

DAY 21 OF 22


As we partner with God, praying for God's will, He said that He wants everyone to be saved. Let us pray for hearts all across our land to come to Him. Let us pray for believers whose lives don't reflect His to be drawn to Him. Let hearts all across our nation turn to God. Let's pray for a REVIVAL. In Joel, it was prophesied that in the last days, God would pour out His Spirit on all flesh, young and old, male and female. Let us pray for that outpouring. In Acts 2 in reference to this promise, it says it is fulfilled through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and it is for those who were there, their children, and all who are far off. Everyone whom the Lord calls to Himself. This promise is for us today. So, let's pray for this great revival. Here are some ways to pray:

  • That God will pour out His spirit on all flesh. (Acts 2:17-18)
  • That believers would be filled with the Spirit and power. (Acts 1:8; 4:29-32)
  • That God would confirm His word with signs and wonders. (Mark 16:20)
  • Pray that God would send laborers. (Matt. 9:38)
  • Pray that hearts would be softened and ready (Luke 1:17)
  • Pray for salvation as the lost turn wholeheartedly to the Lord. (1 Tim. 2:3-4)
  • Pray for repentance (2 Chr. 7:14)
Day 20Day 22