The Faith That Receives the Promisesనమూనా

The Faith That Receives the Promises

DAY 3 OF 3

Strengthening our faith through testimonies

When it comes to inheriting the promises of God, we are often in a struggle. For example, we need peace, but we face anxiety or fear. We need protection from the enemy. We need healing from disease. We struggle with infertility, conflict, and the wounds of our hearts.

In order for our faith to be combative and win over our enemies, we need to feed it with the testimony of what God has done.

I digress to remind you that we do not struggle by faith to convince God. He has already made promises to us. We are not struggling to get him to care about us; he already has compassion for us. We struggle against our enemy, who comes to steal, slaughter, and destroy our lives.

John 10:10 (SG21) The thief comes only to steal, slaughter and destroy; I have come that the sheep may have life and have it to the full.

Consider the history of Israel's wars.

All the victories were won thanks to God's intervention, which was triggered by faith in his Word, in his directives (think of Moses, Joshua, Gideon). But when Israel forgot God's exploits, they no longer wanted to go into battle by faith, because their weapons seemed derisory in the face of the multitude of enemies.

Psalms 78; 9 The sons of Ephraim, armed and drawing the bow, turned their backs in the day of battle. 10 They did not keep the covenant of God, nor did they walk in his law. 11 They forgot his works, his wonders which he had shown them. (LSG)

On the day of battle, our faith must be supported by the testimonies, and the works of God.

Without the awareness of God's closeness, one feels alone in the face of the enemy.

Without the memory of his intervention for us, we feel abandoned by God. We forget his compassion, his love for us.

Without the memory of God's omnipotence, we feel weak because we only consider our own resources/strengths.

Psalms 105:2-5 Sing in his honor, play your instruments in his honor, celebrate all his wonders! Place your pride in his holy name! Let the heart of those who seek the LORD rejoice! Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually. Remember his wonders, his miracles and his judgments (LSG21)

Therefore, in order to strengthen your faith and avoid fleeing from the enemy like the sons of Ephraim, remember the wonders he has done.

1. Replay in your heart what God has done for you. Remember that he has not changed. Remember that he did not save you and then abandon you to your fate.

2. Remember that he has the power and will to finish what he has started in you.

3. Remember that when you met him, you simply put your trust in him. That's all he wants from you now.

4. Ask your Christian friends to tell you how God has acted on their behalf in your area of concern to increase your faith.

5. Remember that God does not play favorites and use all these testimonies to fight by faith.

Decide to believe God's promises to the point of taking Him at His word and daring to pray for impossible miracles.

Here is the testimony of Angella, who lives in Kinshasa, DRC:

My brother and his wife have been trying for over 15 years to have a child, but without success!

Both had been diagnosed as infertile. It was really difficult for the whole family...

The day I signed up for your School of Supernatural French Ministry site, I told God:

"Connect my family to the healing anointing you have placed on this man of God, I also want to witness one day what you will do for me and my family."

And when I prayed for my brother, I just reminded God of Psalm 113:9:

"He gives a house to the barren one; he makes her a joyful mother among her children. Praise the Lord!"

This morning, my sister-in-law gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, I thank God, he is faithful!


Angella enrolled in April 2020, and her sister-in-law gave birth in April 2021, just one year later. So, it took 3 months for her prayers to be answered after 15 years of infertility.

What is the difference between reciting verses and declaring them by faith?

Faith is the key!

Faith knows that this statement is effective and produces an effect in the spiritual world and the natural world.

You can pray according to a biblical promise for yourself or for your loved ones, and God has not changed.

I invite you to experience the first 7 days of the Audio Guide, "Listening to God's voice."You can download it here.

May God bless you,

David Théry
Practical teachings to experience God

Day 2