30 Days Defeating the Arch-Enemy of Our Finances (Mammon)నమూనా

30 Days Defeating the Arch-Enemy of Our Finances (Mammon)

DAY 30 OF 30


Abel offered an offering pleasing to God. The book of Hebrews tells us that the offering of Abel still speaks. What offering? The physical offering that God accepted, according to what the Bible says. See how the topic of offerings is actually spiritual? I come across many people who are confused about this, but the Bible is as clear about offerings as it is about tithes. It’s not that it’s hard to understand. It’s hard to do!

Why is the topic of offerings so important? Because besides just being obedient to God’s will, through obedience we create a legacy. The foundation laid by the person who manages money Godś way and not Mammon’s way paves the way for God’s love to spread and His Kingdom to expand. I don't know if you've discovered the power of tithes and offerings that the Bible teaches, but if you put it into practice, Mammon will have no legal right to touch your finances, and no matter how hard he tries, you can use your authority in Jesus to block him. When we do God's will, we face more enemies. But instead of that stopping us, we grow further. So let this issue be settled in your heart.

I have one more thing to say about tithes and offerings. A person who tithes, in reality, gives nothing to God because the tithe actually belongs to God. A better verb to use regarding tithing would be to surrender. Out of obedience we surrender the 10% of our income that belongs to God. In contrast, a person who, prompted by the Holy Spirit, gives an offering is actually giving something, for the offering comes from our free will. Recently I have seen people being held hostage by Mammon because they do not obey God’s commands about tithing. God doesn't need our money at all, but tithes and offerings are part of the way His Kingdom works, and if we break His principles, we go against His will. And every time we break His principles, there are consequences. You may say, “But I know people who tithe and yet are suffering financially. Explain that!” Maybe they are bad financial administrators or there are other factors we don’t see. Nevertheless, nothing can break God’s established principles. God is never the problem. Just obey!

Remember: Obeying everything God tells us about how to handle money brings blessings as well as protection against Mammon's attacks.

A final message to you: Congratulations on finishing this devotional! I believe that you will never be the same, that your finances will grow, and that you will be protected against the attacks of Mammon—the archenemy of healthy finances. Having abundant life includes financial success. Believe God!


Day 29

About this Plan

30 Days Defeating the Arch-Enemy of Our Finances (Mammon)

In 30 days, you'll find out who Mammon is, how he affects people's financial lives, and how you can defeat him. This is a Plan for those who wish to definitively defeat Mammon and not allow him to prevent them from living by Heaven's standards. At the end of it, you'll be able to choose a new path until you enjoy a healthy financial life to its fullness.
