Riding the Waves of Faithనమూనా

Riding the Waves of Faith

DAY 4 OF 5

The Compassion Of Faith

So far, we’ve explored how faith helps us find power, security, and balance in daily life. Today, let’s look at how our faith can prompt us to live with deep, radical compassion for others – a compassion that moves us from feelings to action.

When I joined Christian Surfers in 2012, it was a pivotal moment in my life. I realised that the Christian faith is not limited to Sunday church services but encompasses every aspect of life. It shapes our thoughts, words, and actions every day.

In the Christian Surfers community, I encountered people who shared a deep love for Jesus and a passion for surfing.

Through their lives, I witnessed faith in action. They authentically lived out their beliefs, genuinely loving God and others. Their words were filled with encouragement, grace, and support for those in need.

In community, we often find a shared sense of camaraderie and an unspoken understanding that when someone is in need, we come together to support and help. In today’s Scriptures, Jesus tells a powerful parable that teaches us about radical compassion, using the example of the Good Samaritan.

In this parable, robbers attacked a man on a journey and left him wounded and helpless on the side of the road. Two religious leaders, a priest and a Levite, passed by but chose to ignore the man’s plight, offering no assistance. However, a Samaritan, someone culturally despised and considered an outcast, took notice of the wounded man. Filled with compassion, the Samaritan went above and beyond to help him.

Jesus concluded the parable by asking, ““Now which of these three would you say was a neighbour to the man who was attacked by bandits?” Jesus asked.

The man replied, “The one who showed him mercy.”

Then Jesus said, “Yes, now go and do the same.”

This parable challenges us to examine our hearts and consider if we show compassion to those in need. It pushes us to look outside the comfort and familiarity of our close community and challenges us to reach out to those who are hurting and marginalised in our communities. Radical compassion means seeing others through the eyes of Christ and treating them with kindness, respect, and dignity.


Take a moment to reflect on how you can show radical compassion to those around you. Are there individuals or groups in your community who need support? Pray for God’s guidance to reveal opportunities to extend His love and mercy. Let us be inspired to be Good Samaritans in our everyday lives, spreading the light of Christ through acts of radical compassion.


Heavenly Father, as I reflect on the example of the Good Samaritan, ignite within me a heart of radical compassion. Open my eyes to see those in need, the hurting and marginalised. Guide me to step outside my comfort zone and extend Your love and mercy to others. May I be a vessel of Your radical compassion, spreading Your light in my everyday life. Amen.


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About this Plan

Riding the Waves of Faith

When you’re… … fearful, you need God’s power. … vulnerable, you need His security. … exhausted, you need His balance. … self-focused, you need His compassion. … on the wrong track, you need His redemption. Join Christian Surfers’ Meg Owen to explore five key aspects of faith found in Luke’s Gospel – and how your daily life can be transformed as you ride the waves of faith with Jesus.
