Purify Your Mind Series (Part 2) by Joe Kirbyనమూనా

Purify Your Mind Series (Part 2) by Joe Kirby

DAY 1 OF 31

Fruit Inspection

Here’s a question to ponder: from the day of your conversion, what fruit you have produced? Do you have more love for the things of God, more peace? Are you able to be long-suffering to those who irritate you? Are you kind? Are you gentle? Do you have self-control over your eyes, your mind, your diet, your sleep patterns?

The evidence that a man or woman has been born from above is that they produce the fruits of the Spirit. Sometimes the fruit is small or unimpressive, but the point is this—a true Christian will always produce fruit. An apple tree will always bear apples and though the apples might be little, they are still apples.

It’s vital that every Christian takes the time to examine themselves, to ask hard questions to make sure they are truly in the faith. Though I’m an imperfect sinner, am I growing more like Jesus each day, or have I not really changed since coming to Christ? Would others recognize fruit in my life, or do I live no different from an unbeliever? I remember hearing once that Spurgeon had four tests he did every year to examine himself that he was truly saved (Charles Spurgeon, New Park Street Pulpit). If “the Prince of Preachers,” who knew the Bible better than you and I put together, saw the importance of searching his heart and affections, don’t you think perhaps we should, too?


Day 2

About this Plan

Purify Your Mind Series (Part 2) by Joe Kirby

This devotional is for believers who desire to have their minds cleansed and refocused on Christ. If you struggle with impure thoughts, pornography, or lust, this devotional will help you replace those mental images with Christ-centered ones and develop new habits in your thinking. Let Jesus free you as you cultivate purity one thought at a time. Part 2 of the Purify Your Mind Series by Joe Kirby.
