How to See Life in 321 - a Guide to John's Gospelనమూనా

How to See Life in 321 - a Guide to John's Gospel

21 యొక్క 3

How do you see life?

In this plan, we are centering ourselves on Jesus and allowing him to give us a fresh vision of God’s THREE-ness, the World’s TWO-ness, and Your ONE-ness. What do I mean by those numbers? Well, John chapter 3 will help us.

Jesus shows us God’s THREE-ness.

Today we will read about how the Father loves Jesus, his Son,—infinitely and eternally—and how he sends his Son into the world (John 3:16,35). We will also read about the Spirit who the Father pours out on us lavishly (John 3:6-8,34).

With Jesus at the center of our vision, we realize that God is a loving union of THREE: the Father; the Son; and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus shows us The World’s TWO-ness.

By nature, the world goes the way of ‘the flesh.’ That’s a Biblical phrase to describe our natural self-centredness. Ever since Adam, we have tried to raise ourselves up. And ever since Adam, we have all come tumbling down. We are weak, we are mortal, and we are sinful. But Jesus comes living out a completely different kind of life. He’s the answer to Adam—a Second Adam. In the power of the Spirit, he came down from heaven (John 3:13) and gave himself as a gift for the world (John 3:16). He invites us all to a different way—the way of the Spirit (John 3:6,36).

With Jesus at the center of our vision, we realize that the world is shaped by TWO representatives: Adam and Jesus.

Jesus shows us Your ONE-ness.

In today’s reading, we meet Nicodemus. He’s an impressive man—rich, powerful, smart, a respected leader. But he had been living ‘according to the flesh.’ He had been raising himself up. Instead, he should go the way of the Spirit, receiving the gift of Jesus like a little child (John 3:3, 13, 16). If he starts again with Jesus — if he’s “born again” — then he will be ONE with him.

With Jesus at the center of our vision, we realize that we are born ONE with Adam, Jesus invites us to be born again as ONE with him.

This is the good news in THREE, TWO, and ONE!

As you read John chapter 3, consider who Jesus is claiming to be. And consider his vision for God, the world, and yourself.


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How to See Life in 321 - a Guide to John's Gospel

Get to know Jesus in 21 readings. Chapter by chapter, we will travel through John’s Gospel. As we encounter Jesus’ life, teaching, death, and resurrection, we will attempt to see life from his perspective as he shows us God, the world, and you. This plan works well together with the course 321 — a step-by-step guide to life according to Jesus.
