GOATs of the Old Testamentనమూనా

GOATs of the Old Testament

DAY 4 OF 5

Is King Solomon the GOAT in the Bible?

King Solomon inherited the throne from his father, David. The nation was thriving when Solomon took over, and it grew tremendously under his reign. A successful king does not correlate directly to a successful life. Check out Solomon’s GOAT credentials and see what you think.

Career Stats and Highlights:

  • Solomon was given greater wisdom than anyone alive
  • Solomon reigned for 40 years one of most powerful nations on the planet
  • God told Solomon to stay faithful and He would bless him
  • Solomon controlled the trade routes of Edom, Arabia, India, Africa, and Judea.
  • He got distracted by power, riches, and women

King Solomon's reputation of riches and wisdom was so widespread that the Queen of Sheba travelled 3,000 miles to check it out. She was blown away; said she had never seen anything like it. King Solomon’s reign is considered the “The Golden Age” of Israel. He built the first Temple of God in Jerusalem.

His riches were beyond counting. Here is just a small part of his wealth described in 2 Chronicles 9.

King Solomon was richer and wiser than any other king in the world. They all consulted him, to hear the wisdom that God had given him. Each of them brought Solomon gifts—articles of silver and gold, robes, weapons, spices, horses, and mules. This continued year after year.

King Solomon was blessed with wisdom from God greater than any king in history. He led Israel to be the greatest nation on earth of his time. However, his personal life included continual defeat. He learns late in his life that the best way to live life is in the fear of the Lord.

We can all learn this lesson from King Solomon…

Don’t let potential hinder you from the blessings that come from faithful obedience.

Developing Solomon’s GOAT qualities in You:

  1. Just for fun make a list of some of the spectacular abilities and potential that you have seen in others.
  2. Now list the amazing abilities and potential God has given to you.
  3. Solomon made choices that led to him being distracted from fearing the Lord. What in your life may be distracting you from fearing and trusting in our Lord?
  4. Write a short prayer asking God to draw you close to Himself and away from the attractions and distractions of the world.


Day 3Day 5

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GOATs of the Old Testament

Who's your GOAT? Pick any sport and the debate gets heated. Have you ever thought about the GOATs in the Bible? Obviously, THE Lord Jesus Christ is the one and only GOAT. However, who, other than Jesus, should be considered? Join us on this 5 day study as we dissect some of the most popular people from the Old Testament and learn about what makes them great!
