Exercising God’s Rule in Your Lifeనమూనా

Exercising God’s Rule in Your Life

DAY 5 OF 5

Under His Feet

One of the main reasons we fail to actualize our kingdom authority is because we fail to turn the key. The key is found in Ephesians 1:22–23, which says, “And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.”

Right there is the key. You will not access the kingdom authority available to you unless you are under Jesus’s feet. You have to be under His feet, just like everyone and everything else. That means to be under His authority, control, and rule. If you are not under Jesus’s rule, you won’t get His kingdom authority to act on your behalf. In fact, you can pray until you are blue in the face, but if you are not under His feet through being surrendered to His authority, your prayers will just hit the ceiling and bounce right back.

God only dispenses His kingdom authority from where He sits up on high to benefit us down here when we live underneath the overarching rule of the lordship of Jesus Christ. To put it another way, you and I must settle one issue only. Following salvation, there remains only one overriding issue on the table for every believer in order for them to experience the supernatural work of God in their lives. That is the issue of the lordship of Jesus Christ over every area of life. That is the key. That is what must be addressed before you unlock and unleash heaven’s authority on your behalf.

When you trust Christ for the forgiveness of sins, you are now on your way to heaven. But when you surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ over every area of your life, that’s when heaven can now visit you on earth. Heaven’s power will not come to your aid or relief until you are under the feet of Jesus. That means what He says goes. What He wants goes. What His goals are become your own.

Until Jesus is Lord over all—that means Master, Ruler, Final-Decision-Maker—you will not unlock His kingdom authority over that which comes against you.

Unless and until you are willing to acknowledge you are not your own but you have been bought with a price (1 Cor. 6:20), then you will be on your own when life’s troubles try to trip you up. Jesus is to rule over your personal life, financial life, attitudinal life, relational life, and more. He reigns over it all because He owns it all. After all, He died for it all on the cross.

If you want to see Jesus’s rule on earth, then you must allow Him to rule you from the heavenlies. This is so because God’s philosophy of history is to bring all things under the kingdom rule of Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:10, 22).

Thank you for reading!

This plan was adapted from Kingdom Authority by author Dr. Tony Evans (B&H Publishing, 2023). Click here to learn more or purchase your copy.


Day 4

About this Plan

Exercising God’s Rule in Your Life

In this five-day devotional from Dr. Tony Evans, pastor and author of “Kingdom Authority,” learn more about using the kingdom authority God gives his people, which begins with becoming aware of it and then fully surrendering to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Once aligned with God, we are allowed to share in His work.
