One Story at a Timeనమూనా

One Story at a Time

DAY 5 OF 5

Get Up and Go

If you are anything like me, sometimes you may wonder how God can use ordinary people to impact the lives of those around us. Well, the good news is this - the Bible is filled with incredible stories that reveal how God accomplishes His will through willing hearts. Looking at the book of Acts, we hear about this guy named Saul. He was a zealous Pharisee, known for his relentless persecution of early Christians. He genuinely believed he was doing God's work by hunting down followers of Jesus. But God had different plans for Saul, plans that would change not only his life but also generations to come.

On his way to Damascus, Saul encountered a blinding light from heaven, and a voice calling out to him saying, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" Saul, trembling and astonished, asked, "Who are you, Lord?" The voice replied, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting." It was in that moment that Saul probably realized the magnitude of his actions and the truth of who Jesus really was. His encounter with Jesus left him physically blind, but his spiritual eyes were opened. God had chosen Saul for a remarkable purpose: to be an instrument of His grace and love. Blinded and probably confused, God instructed him to get up and go into the city and he will be told what to do.

So, God has this funny way of working behind the scenes when we have no idea what is going on. God was already working in Damascus, Saul’s intended destination. God spoke to a man named Ananias in a vision. He instructed Ananias to go and lay hands on Saul so that he might regain his sight. On top of the clear instructions, God said that Saul would be expecting this, and he would have seen Ananias in a dream doing this. What! Talk about a perfect setup. God has never perfectly set me up like that (yet)! Despite being perfectly set up, Ananias had a couple of concerns. He was aware of Saul's reputation and his authority. But God reassured him, saying, "Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel." Get up and go! Ananias still could have refused. He could have leaned on his concerns or his excuses.

If we’re honest, sometimes we bring the same excuses to God. We know he wants to use us to reach out to schools and communities. But God...what about …? What if they reject me? What if they use their (social) authority against me? So many possible scenarios.

Ananias obeyed, overcoming his fear and doubt, and went to Saul. As he laid his hands on him, something like scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he regained his sight. Ananias then baptized him, and Saul, transformed by God's grace, became one of the most influential apostles and missionaries in history. God took the least likely candidate to receive the message of salvation and turned him into one of the greatest preachers of all time.

Through this extraordinary event, we see how God can use the most unlikely individuals to accomplish His purposes. Just as He chose Saul, a persecutor of Christians, He can use each of us as vessels of His love and agents of transformation in the lives of those around us. Even people that may seem like they’re the “least likely candidate” to join our Bible study, or to come to church, or be willing to receive prayer.

Today, God is calling you to step out in faith. Set aside your doubt and fear. Trust that He will equip you and empower you to do His divine work. Sure, you may have feelings of being inadequate or unworthy, but God sees way beyond your limitations or your weaknesses. He sees your potential and the unique gifts and abilities He has given you.

Like Ananias, we may encounter people in our lives who seem unreachable, lost, or even hostile to the message of Christ. But try this. Lean on your faith. What if God wants to reveal His redemptive power through your witness? Through our acts of kindness, compassion, and sharing the good news, you can become an instrument through which God reaches into their lives. Remember, it is not through our strength or fancy way of sharing the Gospel that lives are transformed. It is only by the power of God’s Spirit working inside of us. As we submit ourselves to Him, He will use our willing hearts and obedient actions to bring about His purposes, impacting lives and bringing hope to those who desperately need it.


Dear Jesus, thank You for choosing to work through me, imperfect and ordinary as I am. Help me to step out in faith and trust in Your power to touch the lives of those around me. Open my heart to be a vessel of Your love and an instrument of Your grace. Help me to lay aside all of my fears of inadequacy and trust Your perfect plan. Help me to see that You want to work in those around me today. In Jesus' Name, amen.

Day 4