The Processనమూనా

The Process

7 యొక్క 1

Day 1: You Have a Promise:

Welcome to The Process Plan! I am so excited to equip and empower you with a new biblical understanding of the process of moving from receiving a promise to its fulfillment.

Whether it is a prophetic word, a dream, an impression, or a word in the Bible, you have found or received certain promises, and you just know that God has given them to you. So now what?

Being patient and trusting that God will fulfill his promise to you is so important. Our part in all this, our responsibility, is to remain standing on that promise, whether it seems like something is happening or not. Lack of faith and fear are the two components that turn the fruitful ground of God’s Kingdom into barren ground, preventing growth. Abraham’s story and the promises he received from God have always encouraged me. Abraham knew that his God was a God of covenant. The covenant that was made between God and him, and the consequences of that covenant, are pretty amazing (Heb. 6:13-20).

When the Lord gives you a word, He knows what you are going through at the time or what you will be dealing with in the future. And He is loving enough to give you a word of life before the people around you or the situations you are in start to give you words of discouragement, death, and destruction. So when the opposite happens in your life after you have received a prophetic word, write the word down, share it only with those who are for you, and proclaim it out loud every day of your life: “Lord, You said ... !” This is exactly how Paul encouraged Timothy in 1 Timothy 1:18-19.

Keep standing on the promises of God, even though you are discouraged, though you feel like you cannot go on anymore. Moses, too was discouraged; he couldn’t go on. But praise God, Aaron and Hur were there to raise his arms (Ex. 17:12). At this time, I pray for you, dear reader, that someone would come alongside you to support you. I do believe that God will give you that. He also says: “I will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear” (1 Cor. 10:13).

We will never get through the process without focusing on God and His promises. Some words are for now, and some are for later in life. But whether it is for now or later, there is usually a process connected to that word before we see the fulfillment of that prophetic word or promise in our life.

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