Breaking Freeనమూనా

Breaking Free

DAY 3 OF 5

"Benefit Three: To find satisfaction in God"

The Bible uses the word soul in a number of ways. One way is to refer to the non-material part of us. When I speak of soul hunger, I mean our need of spiritual satisfaction. Few people find this subject comfortable, but it’s time to let the truth break the locks off the closets of our secret dissatisfaction.

What do you think being satisfied with something means? Is your soul, your spirit, your own inmost place, the real you, entirely satisfied with Christ?

In Jeremiah 31:25 the Hebrew word for satisfy is male, meaning “to fill, accomplish, the filling of something that was empty … the act of replenishment as well as the experience of satiation.” The word for faint is da’ab meaning “to pine” (Strong’s). We can easily be led into captivity by seeking other answers to needs and desires only God is equipped to meet. A crucial part of liberation in Christ means allowing Him to fill our empty places.

The filling only Christ can give does not automatically accompany our salvation. I was in my early 30’s before I understood the huge difference between salvation from sin and satisfaction of the soul. Salvation secures our lives for all eternity. Soul satisfaction ensures abundant life on earth. God often teaches us spiritual truths by paralleling physical realities.

When you’re hungry, you seek what will meet your need. If you ignore your physical needs long enough, not only will you be miserable but you will soon be ill. You can easily recognize the signals the body gives, but great wisdom lies in learning to discern your spirit’s signals.

The most obvious symptom of a soul in need of God’s satisfaction is a sense of inner emptiness. The awareness of a “hollow place” somewhere deep inside. The constant inability to be satisfied.

We can positively assume that our soul is hungry and thirsty for God if we have not partaken of any spiritual food or drink in a long while. Return to the Bread of Life and the Living Water! “Taste and see that the Lord is good” (Ps. 34:8).

God can satisfy your yearning soul. Satisfying your innermost places with Jesus is a benefit of the glorious covenant relationship you have with God in Christ.

Open the door, Beloved! He waits to satisfy your hungry soul.
Day 2Day 4