Hidden Miracles of the Bible: Secret Wisdom Within the Wordనమూనా

Hidden Miracles of the Bible: Secret Wisdom Within the Word

DAY 5 OF 5

Miracle of Life-Giving Water

Yesterday’s reading showed us how we can trust the word of the Lord and His promises. We never know what we might encounter along our journey, but we can trust His word that we will survive the hardships. Today’s hidden miracle reading focuses on a scientific reality that existed in the Bible long before human scientists ever “discovered” and put a name to it.

I get especially giddy when I discover ways in which science and religion overlap and complement each other, since the secular world often paints science and faith at odds. In astronomy, modern scientists attempt to explain what exactly the “Star of Bethlehem” was, be it a comet, a supernova, or some other celestial phenomenon. Marine life fossils have been discovered at the top of Mt. Everest by scientists, supporting the Biblical account of the global flood. Archaeological scientists continue digging and discovering ancient cities and ruins to this day, exactly where the Bible says they existed.

As an airline captain and someone who studies weather as a part of my job, the scientific process I’m most fascinated with is the mystery behind the hydrologic water cycle. There are thousands of rivers in the world, and it’s amazing that although they dump millions of gallons of water into the oceans every day, the oceans never overflow like a bathtub or sink would. The fundamental basis for the hydrologic cycle is that water from rivers and streams flow into lakes and the ocean, the sun shines on the water and it evaporates and condenses into clouds, condensation nuclei create a fixture for vapors to form around, water returns to land from the clouds in the form of snow/rain/sleet, etc., and the rivers and streams flow back into the ocean. And around it goes again, a never-ending cycle.

Ancient understanding used to be that water predominantly came from underground springs, not from rainfall and snowmelt runoff. It wasn’t until the seventeenth century that French scientists Pierre Perrault and Edme Mariotte postulated the basis for the hydrologic cycle.

As you read today’s supporting verses, see if you can discover a hidden miracle unmistakably described in the Bible, which is that of the hydrologic water cycle. Centuries before Perrault and Mariotte “discovered” this amazing process and modern scientists ever put a name to it, how awesome is it that this knowledge was already tucked into the Bible?!

The Bible is not an academic textbook, but it certainly hints at many scientific truths supported by both ancient wisdom and modern-day evidence. Science and faith will never completely be in agreement this side of heaven because God commands faith in our response to Him, even if we don’t fully understand or comprehend His causes and justifications.

Our Creator, even to this day, graciously continues to reveal more and more wisdom and understanding about our planet through incredible astronomical discoveries, biological breakthroughs, archaeological evidence, hydrology, medicine, and more.

Thought for Today: What area of science most fascinates you? What scientific fact or breakthrough would you most love for God to reveal someday?

For Further Reading: If you enjoyed this plan, please check out the book, Hidden Miracles of the Bible: Secret Wisdom Within the Word Available now

Day 4

About this Plan

Hidden Miracles of the Bible: Secret Wisdom Within the Word

God didn't design the Bible to be read once and put back on the bookshelf. He constantly reveals little hidden miracles and deeper wisdom to us over time. This plan will encourage you to examine scripture in a more investigative way, to discover new insights both in the Bible, and personal application in your life, of the amazing ways in which He works.
