Unlimited Salvationనమూనా

Unlimited Salvation

DAY 6 OF 14

“Getting to Know the Reality of God”

In the ancient book of Job, we have the invitation “acquaint now yourself with him and be at peace” (Job 22:21). Centuries later, Jesus echoed these words when he said, “Come ... learn of me ... and ye shall find rest unto your souls” (Matthew 11:28, 29). In terms of our spiritual nature and potential, it is the knowledge of God that we chiefly need.

If that be so, we might anticipate that the Devil would do all he could to give us a false picture of God. How well he has succeeded! Think of your early childhood pictures of God and analyse your present ones. Is God more like a policeman than a father? Such immature and inaccurate pictures, of course, conflict strangely with biblical passages such as:

Like as a father pities his children, so the Lord pities them that fear him (Psalm 103:13).

As one whom his mother comforts, so will I comfort you (Isaiah 66:13).

The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long- suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth… forgiving iniquity (Exodus 34:6,7).

Should we not strive to have a more accurate, biblical picture of our Maker, Redeemer, and Judge?

Does your picture of God fill you with insecurity and terror, or with love, joy and peace? Perhaps you need to drink more deeply from the sources that give you a truer picture of the gracious heart of God. – Des Ford
Day 5Day 7

About this Plan

Unlimited Salvation

Unlimited Salvation helps you fall in love with Jesus even more, by deepening your understanding of how great is the salvation that God offers you. This reading plan shows you how God has made salvation simple for you if you trust in Jesus, and how you are always safe in his hands. Unlimited Salvation powerfully encourages you with God’s promises that you can hold on to, with practical life applications.
