Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 5)నమూనా

Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 5)

DAY 4 OF 5

When is the last time you remember encouraging your child? Think about it.

I’ll admit, I was not great at this. Positivity and encouragement are things I had to work at.

I was great at telling my kids to clean their room, tie their shoes, get their feet off the sofa. I often said, “Lower your voice!” “Please do not sing that song one more time!” “Get your shoes on!” “ Hurry, we are late!” “Stop arguing!” We are great at commands, demands and reprimands, but how often do we really encourage, add courage, to our children?

Ask yourself, what does my child need to hear from me? What fears or lies is he believing about himself, even at a young age? What obstacle is my teen facing? What words of courage and confidence can I speak that might help her face the lies of these tough years?

We have become so accustomed to the daily grind of “mom-ing”, we may have forgotten how to take the time to encourage our children. We must remember that the way we speak to them will become the way they speak to themselves. That’s a sobering thought.

Let’s make a plan. This idea is so foreign and forgotten for some of us that we may need to write some statements down.

“I am so proud of the way you handled that conflict with your sister.”

“Wow! I love it when you mow the lawn with such care!”

“I noticed that you did your chores without having to be asked. You are really maturing!”

“Your strength of character shows when you deal with tough friendship issues. I’m proud to be your mom.”

“It was so sweet of you to share your candy with your brother. You have such a giving heart.”

“Great attitude!”

“Thank you for your respect.”

“Cool outfit!”

Praise their character development, not their perfection. Your words of encouragement will carry them farther than you realize, and you will begin to see new maturity. I promise!

Father, I admit that in the process of trying to train my children, my words have become more about what to do or not do rather than positive words of encouragement. I ask for new thoughts, new creative ideas to feed my children with life-giving words of affirmation. Remind me when I slip back into old patterns of commands and instructions. I fight against the mommy-guilt that wants to consume me for recognizing this weakness in my heart, deciding instead to choose words that will build up and strengthen my children. I know you will provide those words to me as I listen to your heart. Thank you for your love.

Day 3Day 5