[Unboxing Psalm 23: Treasures for Every Believer] My Shepherdనమూనా

[Unboxing Psalm 23: Treasures for Every Believer] My Shepherd

DAY 1 OF 3

Getting to Know Psalm 23

The book of Psalms is one of the longest in the Bible. It has 150 psalms, most of them written by David.

Psalm 23 is possibly one of the best-known passages of the Scriptures. It is a passage that most believers come to know during the first steps of their walk with Christ. It is a poem with only six verses. In it, David pours out his heart and describes truths from the heart of God. Psalm 23 is sometimes called “David’s Hymn of Praise to Divine Diligence.” In other words, the psalm refers to how the heavenly Shepherd is diligent in caring for His sheep.

Psalm 23 is undoubtedly meant to be considered when in hardship, which is how David wrote it. It is thought that he wrote it when his son Absalom rebelled against him. At the time, David was being persecuted. Can you imagine finding yourself in such a situation and writing: “The Lord is my Shepherd, and I shall not want”? David is being persecuted by his son, hiding in a cave, with the whole nation against him. How can he say, “I shall not want”?

The gospel of John tells us that Jesus declared He was the Good Shepherd. He is the Good Shepherd of whom David speaks in the psalm. Jesus knows His sheep, and they know Him. He will lay down His life for His sheep. Jesus also declares that He has other sheep that are not of this fold, who will hear His voice and follow Him.

Jesus had been sent to the Jewish people, and many did not know Him – they were not His sheep. But some who would follow Him were not Jews. They were the sheep of another fold who know His voice. Have you recognized His voice? Are you one of His sheep? Today you and I can approach God through the work that Jesus Christ did. In Psalm 23, David was sure that he would lack nothing because he had communion with God. He knew God would give him rest and victory during the persecution he was enduring. You can experience the same assurance.

Lord Jesus, I long to know You more. I ask that I might daily experience following You because I know Your voice and You know me. Thank You that You gave Your life for me. This is the greatest sign of the great love and care that You have for me.


Day 2