The Miracle of Emotionsనమూనా

The Miracle of Emotions

7 యొక్క 6

The Miracle of Satisfaction

I love the feeling of satisfaction!

I love the feeling of accomplishment!

I love the feeling of contentment!

I don't know about you, but I am a "checklist" kind of person! I love making a list of tasks to be accomplished, and even more, I love the satisfaction of crossing them off the list OR checking the box as soon as the job is done! To be honest, sometimes I even finish a task that I forgot to put on a list and I go back and add it, and then check it off as completed!!

I love that sense of accomplishment when I finish writing an “A Miracle Every Day” daily email, and sense that God is going to use the words to change someone’s heart. I love ending a day feeling that I accomplished something that will bring value to another person’s life.

I love getting to the end of the day after reviewing all of the lists, all of the challenges, and all of the victories, and experiencing a sense of contentment over my entire soul.

Have you ever taken a moment and allowed yourself to just enjoy the "fruit of your labor"? I believe God loves to pour that sense of contentment out on His children because of contentment and satisfaction from Him!

At the end of each day in the Creation story of Genesis, God experiences a moment that He wants to share with us! After creating the Sun, Moon, and stars in their infinite grandeur, God steps back and declares that “it was good”. After making water, air, hippopotamuses, ostriches, and spiders (some of you don’t like that God made spiders), and butterflies, God takes a moment and declares that it was good! God is satisfied. God accomplished all that He wanted and it was good. God then rested, not because He needed to rest, but because He wanted to model for us what rest and godly contentment looked like.

Are you ever satisfied? Taste and see that the Lord is good.

Do you ever celebrate an accomplishment? God celebrates you every day!

Do you ever rest? God says that He will give rest to the weary and heavy laden.

Do you ever choose contentment in the simple things of life? The Bible says:

“But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.” (1 Timothy 6:6-7, NIV)

I want to encourage you to FEEL a sense of satisfaction, accomplishment, and contentment today! Take a moment and just thank God for the fact that He has given you the gift of today to do His good will! Do it with all of your heart and then, find rest in the gracious satisfaction of God!

I am heading home now. I am going to drive home past a beautiful mountain. I am going to be greeted by my dogs and beautiful wife. I am going to eat a simple meal but before I do, I am going to stop and say thanks to God. His satisfaction is more than enough!

I pray that you see all of his miracles today and never forget, you are a miracle too!!

Your friend,

Grant Fishbook


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The Miracle of Emotions

Your emotions are a miraculous gift from God. We are made in God’s image, which means that God has blessed us with the same emotional makeup that He displays as well. God is the author of all your emotions. He wants you to use them powerfully and in a godly, responsible way. The texts of this plan are from the daily encouragement emails, "A Miracle Every Day" written by Grant Fishbook.
